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Is My Child Misdiagnosed with ADHD?

How Do I Know If My Child Has Been Misdiagnosed With ADHD?

When a child's ADHD symptoms don't improve with traditional treatment, parents may ask, "Has my child been misdiagnosed with ADHD?" As experts continue to debate how often ADHD is misdiagnosed, parents need more information now to help them identify other potential causes of their child's inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Find below other factors and issues that can mimic symptoms of ADHD:

Food Allergies and Sensitivities
A recent study published by the Lancet found that ADHD symptoms could be contributed to a hypersensitivity to food in 64% of participating children. Additionally, another recent study showed that kids diagnosed with ADHD have higher rates of bowel problems than those without the disorder. At Brain Balance, we have long contended that a hemispheric imbalance in brain activity can contribute to food allergies and sensitivities, potentially leading to leaky gut syndrome, overactive immune response, and maladaptive behavior. This is why bio-nutritional testing and dietary changes are in integral part of The Brain Balance Program. When a child is having behavioral issues, gut health and digestion should not be overlooked. While food sensitivities and allergies can be co-morbid with ADHD, parents should consider investigating diet and nutritional needs in children to avoid being misdiagnosed with ADHD. Consider making these three diet changes today to support improved behavior in your child.

Sleep Disorders
Kids with sleep disorders can easily be misdiagnosed with ADHD since children who are sleep deprived are often hyper, irritable, and inattentive. While sleep problems can co-exist with ADHD, it's important to address common road blocks to a child's sleep cycle to ensure your child's behavioral symptoms aren't solely related to a lack of rest. If your child has enlarged tonsils and adnoids, chronic ear infections, allergies, sleep apnea, or is obese, resolving those issues first can lead to better sleep and better behavior. PsychCentral.com offers these tips for helping kids get enough sleep.

Processing Disorders
Processing problems like auditory processing disorder, visual processing disorder, and sensory processing disorder are caused by a deficiency in a person’s ability to effectively use and integrate information gathered by the senses. These disorders are not the result of impaired hearing or vision, attention disorders, or cognitive deficit. If the brain cannot properly process the auditory, visual, and sensory information it receives, a child’s ability to learn and thrive in an academic setting is affected, often leading to low self-esteem and frustration-induced behavioral problems. When a child's frustration with his or her inability to process sensory input begins to affect daily behavior, he or she can be misdiagnosed with ADHD. Click here to learn more about the different types of processing disorders.


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