5 Secrets to Making a Great Impression on Your New Teachers
For students who struggle with social, behavioral, or academic issues, making nice with the teacher can create a lot of worry. For both parents and […]
For students who struggle with social, behavioral, or academic issues, making nice with the teacher can create a lot of worry. For both parents and […]
The first day of school is exciting - and stressful. There are so many "what if's?" Like, what if my best friend isn't in the same class or what if I […]
Summer vacation goes by fast and before you know it, the kids are back in the classroom. However, after a summer of crazy sleep schedules, it's […]
Going back to school after summer break is a difficult transition for most kids. They are nervous about the first day, especially having to jump back […]
It's back-to-school time. Teachers are busy getting their classrooms together, kids are excited to go back-to-school shopping, and parents can't wait […]
Getting through high school with a learning disability is a huge accomplishment! But what happens when a teenager goes off to college? If their […]
A child’s social and emotional development is critical to overall success in school and life. Kids with developmental delays and struggles often […]
Parents and teachers of students in middle and high school can better decide whether students need extra help with academics if they understand […]
Developmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range. As a student moves […]