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Brain Balance

Common End of the School Year Triggers for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching. This can be an exciting time for both parents and kids, but if you're the parent of a child with […]

3 Simple Steps to a Successful Summer

Ah, summer. It's relaxing for plenty of kids but few parents. Especially when your kid has behavioral or social issues, summer can be one of the more […]

Making a Plan for the School to Summer Transition

The end of a school year is an exciting time for kids and parents. Not only will they have more free time to spend together, but parents can properly […]

Standardized Testing Tips That Guarantee Success

Kids struggling with learning or behavioral issues often have problems earning high scores on standardized tests. Just because your child has a hard […]

How Will You Prepare for Your Next IEP Meeting?

You're the head coach and cheerleader for Team ‘Your Kid’. Hopefully, the teachers and staff at your child's school are enthusiastic team members. […]

End of the School Year Survival Tips

You and your child have almost made it to the end of the school year, and that's a victory for both of you. But because your kid's behavioral, […]

How to Overcome Test Anxiety

Like acne and growth spurts, test anxiety is a pretty normal part of being a kid. Being nervous about taking tests isn't reserved for students with […]

How to Motivate a High School Student with Learning Differences

It can be tough to come up with ways to motivate teens, and even more of a challenge to inspire those students with learning differences. High school […]

Brain Boosting Foods for Kids

The connection between our diets and brain function is an important topic. At Brain Balance, we work to improve behaviors, attention and focus, […]
