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Brain Balance

How to Boost a Student’s Confidence After Failing Test Scores

Ouch. Failing a test or other assignment always stings. But for a student with learning disabilities, getting failing grades can be heartbreaking and […]

Why Some Children Only Act Out at Home

A lot of parents notice that their kids seem to have the majority of their tantrums at home. It's incredibly frustrating, but it's also an indication […]

3 Spring Break Vacation Ideas for Parents of High Needs Children

Temperatures are rising and the nightfall is getting later, which means only one thing: Spring break is finally here. Taking a vacation is a great […]

How to Improve Empathy in Kids with Poor Mirror Response

When kids have poor mirror response, the mirror neurons in their brain don't effectively allow them to feel what the people in front of them and […]

Classroom Accommodations for Students with Slow Processing

If your child is a slow processor due to sensory processing challenges, you may want to ask their teacher to make classroom accommodations for them. […]

Developmental Coordination Disorder vs. Dyspraxia

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and dyspraxia are two conditions that affect coordination in children. Although many people use the terms […]

Tips to Improve Listening Skills in Kids with ADHD

Having ADHD can make a classroom experience difficult for any child, especially when it comes to listening. Luckily, there are some steps that […]

Top Sports for Kids with Motor Issues

If your child struggles with motor issues, it may seem that a love of sports is out of the question. However, there are many activities that are a […]

How to Prepare a Child with Sensory Processing Disorder for a Doctor Visit

Visiting a doctor may be inconvenient, and at times uncomfortable, but adults know that it’s a necessary part of our general wellness. However, for a […]
