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Brain Balance

Impulse Control Activities for Kids

You are not alone in seeking how to help children with impulse control. Many parents and educators are in the same boat, exploring techniques and […]

How to Improve Study Skills for High School Students

Developing effective study skills for high school students is essential to academic achievement and future success. Whether you’re a student or the […]

The Essential Role of Brain Health in Every Life Stage

Brain health is increasingly recognized as a cornerstone of overall well-being, with its impact resonating across all stages of life. The concept […]

ADD vs. ADHD: What's The Difference?

Of course, you love your child. You just wish they would slow down for just one minute. Maybe they seem to be dashing off in a dozen directions at […]

Brain-Healthy Chicken Pot Pie

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Brain-Healthy Chicken Pot Pie Recipe

The Colorful Truth About Artificial Food Dyes

The Latest Research on Artificial Food Dyes and their Associated Health Complications

Building Better Focus: Helping Kids Hone Their Attention Skills All Summer Long

School may be out for the summer, but now is the perfect time to develop some critical skills that will give your kids a more successful start to the […]

Parent's Guide to Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviors

Shelia and Josh have three kids; two, six, and eleven. By all external standards, they are mastering every stage of parenting. They appear to be the […]

The Science Behind Focus and Distraction

Focus. Ignore your brother so you can finish your work. Pay attention. Are you listening? How can you play video games for hours but need help […]
