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Brain Balance

3 Things NOT to Say to a Child with Social Struggles About Going Back to School

Back-to-school season can be exciting, but for students who struggle to make friends and show signs of social anxiety, it can be a stressful event. […]

Top 5 Confidence Building Tips for Struggling Students as They Start the New School Year

If your child struggles in school, the new year is less about fresh clothes and supplies and more about anxiety, fear, and self-doubt. Building your […]

What is Social Communication Disorder?

When a child shows signs of issues with social interactions because they are having difficulties using verbal and non-verbal language for the purpose […]

Top Tips for Transitioning into the School Year Routine

Summertime can be great fun for kids, and it can be a shock to the system when it's time to go back to school—especially if your child has behavioral […]

Back-to-School Prep for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder

Going back to school after the summer can feel like a tough transition for any kid. However, if your child has sensory processing challenges, the […]

5 Ways to Increase Your Child's Self Confidence

Self-esteem or self confidence is essentially the worth or value a person assigns to themselves. It's related to how capable they feel. This is based […]

Math Learning Disabilities Explained

Teaching Kids with Asperger Syndrome (ASD) How to Identify Emotions

3 Tips for Teaching Your Child to Self-Advocate

When you have a child with academic, social or behavioral issues, you know how important and how challenging it can be to teach them independence. […]
