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Brain Balance

How to Help Your Child Avoid a Lonely Summer

About 1 in 20 teens won't see any friends over the summer break, and a lack of social interaction can be detrimental to mental health. If your kids […]

Summer Outdoor Activities That Build Gross Motor Skills

Fine motor skills relate to hand-eye coordination and control over small muscles, but gross motor skills cover a much broader set of skills. Kids […]

Tips for a Screen-Free Summer

Screen time and watching TV has been linked to brain changes in kids, and too much daily screen time means children have less time for play and […]

Water Play Activities That Help Improve an ADHD Student's Focus

The hot days of summer are the perfect time to break out the water play. Not only will this type of sensory activity help cool kids down and burn off […]

Avoid the Summer Slide

Improve Reading Comprehension in Students with Learning Disabilities Your child has been making progress throughout the school year; her reading has […]

How to Manage a Child's Defiant Behavior at Home this Summer

With the school year being finished up at home, many family dynamics have been altered. Increasing your time together is particularly challenging if […]

5 Great Outdoor Activities for Children with ADHD

Spring is finally here, which means summer is just around the corner. Now is the time to start thinking about planning outdoor activities for […]

3 Tips for Keeping Your Child with ADHD on Track with Schoolwork and Chores

Does your child with ADHD fail to finish schoolwork or chores? Use these tips to help an easily distracted student. Getting kids to complete homework […]

Surviving the Transition From School to Summer

When school's out for the summer, kids are excited to get some freedom and a new routine. However, for kids with learning or behavioral challenges, […]
