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Brain Balance

Important Insights Into ADHD Learning Styles and Other Learning Disabilities

When it comes to teaching children who have a learning disability or ADHD, there are countless theories out there. Some are based on studies and […]

How to Help Your Child with ADHD Complete Tasks

If you have a child who has trouble remaining focused and paying attention, you may discover they have a hard time finishing tasks. This can include […]

Impulsivity Explained: Understanding Impulsivity in Children

It can be difficult to keep up with kids who randomly run off into the distance or impatiently wait in line while shoving others. It's also tempting […]

How to Support a Friend Who Has a Child With Learning Disabilities

Parents of children who have learning disabilities often find it challenging to provide all the support their children need in order to succeed in […]

Self-Care for Parents of Kids with Behavioral Challenges

Being the parent of a child with ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, or other behavioral challenges is an around-the-clock job -- but you already knew that. […]

Stick With It! Teaching Your Child the Power of Perseverance

Following through with difficult tasks requires sustained mental or physical effort. It’s a toughness that we develop over time that allows us to […]

Exercise and the Brain: Keep Kids Moving for Optimal Development

With the increased use of smartphone devices and video game consoles, sedentary lifestyles are becoming more prevalent among children. A great […]

Four Ingredient Nutrition Swap: 4 Foods to Avoid and 4 Foods to Boost in

January is a popular month to evaluate food choices. Many families resolve to eat healthier but can easily lose focus without a plan. The following […]

How to Survive Cabin Fever with a Hyperactive Child

When Mother Nature drops an inch or five of snow outside and the wind chill bites your face each time you open the door, staying indoors can become […]
