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Brain Balance

Get Organized in 2018! Tips for Students with ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder makes your child's brain a virtual beehive of activity. The various buzzing thoughts often lead to very […]

New Year, New Beginnings: Goal-Setting With Your Child

3...2...1.. Happy New Year! With the turning of the calendar year, we often reflect on the previous year, while looking forward to a new year where […]

The Perfect Staycations for Kids with Learning, Behavioral or Social Issues

If you have kids in your family with social, learning or behavioral challenges, traveling can present unique stresses. Getting the group on a plane […]

Visual Processing Explained: Visual Memory

While children are routinely screened for eye problems like nearsightedness and farsightedness, visual processing difficulties stem from the way the […]

Retained Primitive Reflexes Have A Clear Connection To Dyslexia

For most children, Retained Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR) appears at 13 weeks of age. It doesn't usually linger past the age of six to seven […]

Visual Processing Explained: Visual Form Constancy

If your child is having trouble in school but doesn’t have an obvious learning disability, visual processing difficulties could be the cause. Visual […]

3 Ways to Help Your Struggling Child Have a Happy Hanukkah

As fun as they are, the holidays can be a particularly stressful time for families. Nowhere is this more prevalent than with children who have […]

How to Keep Kids (and Parents) from Becoming Overwhelmed this Holiday Season

The holidays are a whirlwind of excitement, especially so for kids. The over-the-top nature of the holidays is a lot of fun, but can easily become […]

How to Improve Focus in ADHD Students

If your child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, you may have noticed that they struggle to focus on tasks that do not interest […]
