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Brain Balance

Brain Balance Gift Guide: Right-Brain Gifts

Shopping for a child who could use some help with right-brain skills? The Brain Balance right-brain gift guide suggestions were curated by parents of […]

Seasonal Affective Disorder: SAD

By Dr. Mark Goldenberg

How to Redirect Students with Asperger Syndrome (ASD)

Asperger syndrome (ASD) is in the autism spectrum group of developmental disorders, and it creates characteristic challenges in social interaction […]

How to Boost Your Child’s Self-esteem and Confidence in School

Children with learning disabilities may lose their self-esteem and confidence, especially in school; this lack of confidence may lead to poor […]

How to Empower Students with Dyslexia

Dyslexia affects people in different ways and leads to problems with learning, especially reading and writing. However, there are techniques that […]

Re-establishing a Routine After a Long School Break

Getting back into the swing of things after a holiday break is tough for families. For parents of a child with behavioral issues or educational […]

Mistakes to Avoid When Parenting a Child With Sensory Issues

Parenting a child with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) or sensory issues is a tough job. SPD is defined as a pattern of the brain failing to detect […]

Top 10 Children's Books for Kids with ADHD, Learning Differences and Sensory Processing Disorder

The following books offer information and support to kids who struggle with ADHD, learning differences and sensory issues. These are great gift […]

Kids and Speech Delay: How Much Is Normal?

If your child is not making any effort to talk or communicate with you, it’s normal to be worried. Here’s what all parents should know about kids and […]
