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Brain Balance

The Science Behind Focus and Distraction

Focus. Ignore your brother so you can finish your work. Pay attention. Are you listening? How can you play video games for hours but need help […]

From Surviving to Thriving: Brooke's Story

We recently sat down with Brain Balance parent, Amanda Weber, to talk about her experience in the 12-week at-home program. She enrolled her daughter […]

ADHD: Beyond Medication

Parents, physicians, and the Centers for Disease Control agree that when it comes to approaching attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in […]

ADHD in Adults: Symptoms, Effects, and Help

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, does not just affect kids. An estimated 30% to 70% of children with ADHD continue to experience […]

The Different Types of Learning Styles

When you need to learn something new, what do you do? Do you make flashcards to test yourself? Have a friend drill you with questions or take notes, […]

Signs and Symptoms of Conduct Disorder

Primitive Reflexes Research Studies

Below is a summary of research studies on primitive reflexes and their link to symptoms and diagnoses that are commonly experienced by children and […]

Parents know results

Parent-Reported Improvements in Kids and Teens After Completing the Brain Balance Program

Burnout in kids & teens? It’s not just for adults.

Burnout happens when you are fatigued and overwhelmed, increasing your negative mood and emotions. After two years of facing significant increases in […]
