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Brain Balance

Organic vs Conventional Produce for Kids with ADHD & Learning Disabilities

There has been some controversy as to whether organic produce is better than its conventional counterpart. When it comes to children with ADHD and […]

Hands-On Learning: Summer Gardening Activities for Children

Gardening Helps to Promote a Child's Sensory Motor Development Hands-on learning activities in the garden are a perfect way to increase hand-eye […]

Kid Friendly Foods That Ease Anxiety

Children with neurobehavioral disorders like ADHD, processing disorders and OCD, often experience stress and anxiety due to the various challenges […]

Surviving Summer Road Trips with a Sensory Sensitive Child

Children with sensory sensitivities associated with neurobehavioral disorders like ADHD and Processing Disorders are often overwhelmed by sudden […]

Study: Dyslexia is a Disconnection Syndrome

New research from the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium supports Brain Balance's long-held assertion that the root cause of dyslexia is a […]

Worst Foods for Brain Health

3 Foods to Avoid for Optimal Brain Health

Tips to Prevent The Summer Slide in Reading Skills

What is the summer slide? During the summer months, school children, particularly those with learning and behavioral disorders like dyslexia and […]

Study Measures Artificial Dyes in Packaged Foods

Artificial dyes are often used by the U.S. food industry to make foods look more appealing to the consumer. While many consumers know that these dyes […]

Special Diets for Kids with Learning and Behavioral Disorders
