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Brain Balance

A Fascinating Look At Balancing The Brain

ADHD and School - Planning For Success

ADHD and school can be a challenging combination for any parent. Planning for success can go a long way in helping your child with ADHD excel. At […]

Brain Function and Exercise

At Brain Balance Achievement Centers, we've long contended that the brain has the ability to change and improve throughout a person's lifetime, […]

Dyscalculia Tied To Communication Between Brain Hemispheres

A recent study from researchers at several prominent universities indicates that problems with math skills, also called dyscalculia, are related to […]

ADHD and Pesticides - Reduce Your Risk

As ADHD rates climb and parents looks for a reason why, the link between ADHD and pesticides continues to be investigated. The American Academy of […]

Avoid Holiday Meltdowns With These Strategies

While the words "stress-free" and "the holidays" don't often go together, it is optimal for kids to enjoy this special time of year without […]

Halloween Safety Tips From Brain Balance

At Brain Balance, we want all children to enjoy a safe and healthy Halloween. Share with your children these practical and easy-to-follow Halloween […]

Halloween Tips For Kids With Sensory Sensitivities

Halloween is right around the corner! Most kids can't wait to don their costumes and make their way through the neighborhood, but for children with […]

Parent Tips For Dealing With Bullies

It's no secret that kids with learning and behavioral disorders and their parents often end up dealing with bullies. At Brain Balance Achievement […]
