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Brain Balance

Top 5 Red Flags that are Signs of a Processing Disorder

Children with learning and behavioral challenges have struggles that can go beyond simply performing well in school and the classroom. If you're a […]

Avoid These Holiday Sensory Triggers for a More Joyful Season

The holidays can be a busy and overwhelming season full of sensory triggers for sensitive children. Flashing lights, excited peers and loud music are […]

How to Stay Focused at School Despite Holiday Distractions

As the holidays approach along with the promise of an extended break from schoolwork, students may get distracted from work in the classroom. Many […]

Final Exam Tips for Students with Learning Differences

Family Gathering Tips for Parents of Kids with Behavioral Issues

The holidays can be a stressful time for any family, but they can be particularly challenging for a family that has a child with behavioral issues, […]

How to Manage Unsolicited Parenting Advice

When your child struggles with behavior or learning, you will often find that other parents are quick to give advice about how to handle your child. […]

Normal Social Expectations by Age

As a parent, it's tough to identify whether or not your chid's social skills are age-appropriate, as expected. After all, each child is unique, and […]

Gratitude and the Brain: What is Happening?

Practicing gratitude and positive thinking on a daily basis throughout the year can change your brain and your life! The same area of the brain that […]

Family Gathering Survival Tips for Families with Hyperactive Kids

Children with ADHD and other hyperactive kids can have difficulty navigating family gatherings. This is especially the case during the holidays when […]
