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Benefits of Summer Sun for Kids with ADHD and Other Challenges


Summer is the perfect time for your child to spend some time being active outdoors, away from the classroom! There are many benefits to summer activities, including helping kids rejuvenate for a new school year, as well as making new friends and developing non-academic, social skills. Some of the best benefits of summer, however, come from the summer sunshine! In fact, spending time in the sun has a slew of health benefits for all kinds of kids -- but particularly those with learning or behavioral issues. Want to know more about how the sun can benefit your child's health? Check out the helpful information below.

A Boost of Vitamin D

One of our main sources of Vitamin D comes from the sun, so ensuring that your child spends time outdoors this summer can increase his intake of this crucial vitamin. Vitamin D and kids' health have been directly linked: vitamin D is important for many bodily functions, such as supporting cognitive function, optimizing the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, preventing diabetes and insulin resistance, as well as lowering the risk of excessive inflammation (and much, much more).

Additionally, doctors now believe that there may be a direct correlation between autism and low levels of vitamin D. Thus, if your child suffers from autism or Asperger's syndrome, spending time outside in the sunshine and boosting his levels of the vitamin may have a positive effect on symptoms.

Strengthened Circadian Rhythms

Studies have shown that strong sunshine helps strengthen the body's natural circadian rhythm, which is the body's way of ensuring that you feel awake during the day and tired at night. Children who spend more time in the sunshine are naturally able to sleep better at night, which improves their ability to function during the day. Experts have also exposed a summer health ADHD link by showing that boosted sun exposure leads to milder symptoms in children with ADHD. They believe that sun exposure allows kids to be better rested at night, and also affords them the opportunity to expend excess energy outside during the day.

Summertime may be particularly beneficial for children with learning and behavioral challenges, particularly due to the sun. Make sure you spend an ample amount of time outdoors this summer, and you will likely see benefits in your child's mind, body and spirit!

Disclaimer: The information presented on this web site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment of specific medical conditions. Discuss this information with your healthcare provider to determine what is right for you and your family.

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