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3 Unique Gift Ideas for Your Child

As the winter holidays start to round the corner, it's time to begin thinking about gifts your child might like. Whether you're playing Santa at Christmas or spending time with family during Hanukkah, giving special presents is a fun tradition for the holidays. However, parents of children with learning differences or processing sensitivities may struggle to find the perfect gift for their perfect child. Here are three ideas to consider when buying a holiday gift for your unique loved one.

A Crash Pad

If your child has ADHD and is always on the go, you may be living with the ongoing fear of bruises and breaks. Embrace the chaos this holiday season with a crash pad, a helpful tool for kids with attention issues or sensory processing conditions. Crash pads let children run, jump, and roll in a safe space. It also helps them practice their balance and gives them a thick, foam-filled cushion for relaxing during calm-down time.

Mini Squigz

Sensory processing disorders can always benefit from different types of fidget toys, especially building sets with satisfying sensations. Mini Squigz are suction-cup construction pieces that can be used to create fun masterpieces while boosting fine motor skills. Sets like this are also beneficial because they encourage creativity while leaving the options open. This way, your child won't become frustrated in trying to make a specific design, but can instead create whatever they feel like.


Younger children on the autism spectrum will enjoy these soft, weighted stuffed animals that can be heated up in the microwave. Large enough for a big hug but small enough to travel as a backpack, Warmkins can be used to relax a child or keep them company at night. Parents of children on the spectrum appreciate how the weight of the stuffed animal helps calm their child, while children with sensory processing disorder will love the warm weight of the toy.

The holidays can be a great opportunity to spend quality time with your children. By considering ways you can help them achieve their goals while still enjoying the fun of gift-giving, you'll be well on your way to a happy new year!

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