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Help for Learning Disabilities at Home


Every parent knows that a child’s education extends well beyond the classroom, especially during long school breaks like summer. Children with learning disabilities often face challenges in learning new skills both inside and outside the classroom; however, by taking the time to explore the ways in which a particular child likes to learn, parents can help their children to grow and thrive not only in the classroom but also at home.

Encourage Their Interests

The time spent outside the classroom is a great opportunity to find out what a child with learning disabilities is passionate about. All children with learning disorders have their own strengths and weaknesses. Outside the classroom, parents should introduce their child to as many activities as possible to see which ones he or she enjoys the most. Make these activities a regular part of the child’s schedule and praise the child as he or she progresses in gaining new skills.

Get Active

Many children with learning disabilities, neurobehavioral disorders and processing disorders benefit enormously from exercise. Outside the classroom, encourage children to spend time being active outdoors. This could involve going for walks as a family, taking the child swimming or playing fun games like Frisbee or tag. Taking outdoor breaks from study can help children to blow off steam and avoid getting frustrated or disruptive.

Provide a Healthy Diet

Along with making sure kids get enough exercise, parents should also ensure that their children eat a healthy diet. Avoiding artificial ingredients like artificial colors, flavors and preservatives that have been linked to increased hyperactivity in children, can go a long way to helping a child with learning disabilities improve memory and focus. In addition, most kids, including those without learning disabilities, find it difficult to concentrate when they are hungry. Fiber-rich foods such as oatmeal, whole grains, nuts and vegetables provide long-lasting energy to keep kids feeling full for longer. Parents should also provide healthy snacks like fruit and nuts to keep their children satisfied between meals. 

Connect With Others

Children with learning disabilities often benefit from meeting others who have similar struggles. Parents could consider joining a support group or attending an activity session specifically for LD kids. This kind of environment can be very supportive for children and helps to give them the confidence they need to progress both inside and outside the classroom.

If your child struggles with learning or has been diagnosed with a Learning Disorder, contact us online or find a center near you to learn more about how the Brain Balance Program can help.

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