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How to Support a Friend Who Has a Child With Learning Disabilities

Parents of children who have learning disabilities often find it challenging to provide all the support their children need in order to succeed in school. On top of keeping up with homework assignments, projects and deadlines, parents with children with learning disabilities often have to spend lots of time finding services to accommodate their children's needs, including tutoring services and therapies. If you have a friend who has a child with learning disabilities, they can use your support. Here's how you can help your friend:

Be Sensitive and Understanding

Since not all parents want or view your help as support, how you approach the situation is important. Being sensitive and calm is an ideal way to speak to a friend who is a parent to a child with learning issues. Ask questions to determine how you can help. Express your desire to assist them. Even if they initially decline your assistance, let them know that you are available to help when they need you.

Volunteer Your Time

Offer a helping hand when you can. Something as simple as volunteering to drop off your friend's child to the library or showing up to a school play can make a world of a difference. It also shows that you care.

Know What Not to Do

Knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do to support your friend. It's crucial not to be judgmental of your friend's parenting skills, especially if you've never personally experienced raising a child with learning disabilities. Don't make any assumptions. It's never a good idea to just assume your friend needs your help in a particular way. Instead, ask how you can help them.

Final Thoughts 

Parents with children who have learning disabilities are often overwhelmed with the responsibilities of raising their children. The support of their friends can make a huge difference in their lives. Remember to ask how you can help instead of making assumptions about your friend's needs. Listen to your friend and volunteer your time. By providing support, you can show your friend that you care.
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