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Kid-Friendly Fermented Foods for Gut Health


Children with neurobehavioral disorders like ADHD, Aspergers syndrome (ASD) and Processing Disorders often have stomach and digestive upset, often referred to as leaky gut. Symptoms related to these behavioral, social and academic issues can improve through dietary changes that include probiotic foods. The following kid-friendly, probiotic foods support healthy digestion by promoting the growth of good bacteria to heal and seal the gut and ensure optimal health.

  1. Yogurt: A popular choice among kids, yogurt is a great way to incorporate probiotic foods into your family’s diet. Commercial versions typically contain too much sugar that feeds the bad bacteria and offsets any probiotic benefits. Try an unsweetened version and add honey or fruit, or make your own flavored cultured yogurt at home.
  2. Pickles: Another popular food for kids, pickles are an easy probiotic choice that can be included with most meals. If cultured with garlic, you get an added prebiotic benefit that further aids digestion.
  3. Sauerkraut: Not often thought of as a kid-friendly food, sauerkraut when paired with the right ingredients can be a winner. Try it with nitrate free, pure beef hot dogs or add the juice to soups and salads. Sauerkraut is full of probiotics and easy to make at home.
  4. Cultured Sour Cream: A great accompaniment to many meals, homemade cultured sour cream is rich with probiotics and much healthier than its commercial version which can be full of fillers like guar gum, food starch and carageenan.
  5. Fermented Fruit Chutney: Many fermented and cultured foods are vegetables or dairy, but fruit can also be a healthy option for families looking to improve gut health. This recipe for fermented peach chutney is kid-friendly and sounds delicious!

Fermented foods restore gut health more effectively than taking a probiotic supplement. Ideally, these foods should be incorporated with every meal to restore digestive balance and improve emotional well being and behavior.  Fermenting and culturing foods at home is easier than you think and worth the effort!

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Disclaimer: The information presented on this web site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment of specific medical conditions. Discuss this information with your healthcare provider to determine what is right for you and your family.

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