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Holiday traditions provide meaning through ritual and practice. For young people with sensory processing disorder, ADD, and other learning disorders […]
As exciting as the holiday season can be for most kids, it can also be difficult at times, especially for little ones who struggle with behavioral, […]
Oooh, presents! All kids, no matter their challenges, can appreciate the joy of exchanging gifts at the holidays. Of course, for most kids, the […]
October is ADHD Awareness Month! Brain Balance Achievement Centers is proud to share our comprehensive ADHD Guide to promote awareness and […]
When your child has ADHD, they may find it hard to complete schoolwork in groups with other students. However, being able to work in a group […]
Practicing gratitude isn't just good for the soul – it's good for the brain and body, too. Research links gratitude to many positive outcomes, […]
Many parents are eager to share their child-rearing experiences when they see another person's child acting out. However, what works for one kid may […]