Should my Teen with Asperger's Syndrome (ASD) Learn to Drive?
While it's not out of the question for a teen with Asperger Syndrome (ASD) to learn to drive, at least one study out of Rutgers University found that […]
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While it's not out of the question for a teen with Asperger Syndrome (ASD) to learn to drive, at least one study out of Rutgers University found that […]
Learning disorders like dyspraxia are not signs of low intelligence or in the case of dyspraxia, muscle weakness. They are actually brain-based […]
A new baby in the family is always cause for joy, excitement and celebration. Of course, for the older siblings, it can also be a cause of added […]
- Holly Larson, RD It’s summertime and you know what that means….. VACATION! Whether you are headed to the beach for a week, road tripping to see […]
Summer is an excellent time to visit an amusement park thanks to great outdoor weather and extra time off from school. However, it's also a time when […]
About 1 in 20 teens won't see any friends over the summer break, and a lack of social interaction can be detrimental to mental health. If your kids […]
Fine motor skills relate to hand-eye coordination and control over small muscles, but gross motor skills cover a much broader set of skills. Kids […]
Screen time and watching TV has been linked to brain changes in kids, and too much daily screen time means children have less time for play and […]
The hot days of summer are the perfect time to break out the water play. Not only will this type of sensory activity help cool kids down and burn off […]