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Brain Balance Blog

Get the latest news, tips and advice from the experts at Brain Balance.

Tips for Building an Effective Relationship with Your Child’s Teachers

Your child’s teacher plays a very important role in the growth and development of your child. In fact, many experts would state that teachers are the […]

The Benefits of Exercise for Children with ADHD

Recent findings indicate that intense aerobic exercise for ADHD children may be beneficial by enhancing their brain structure and function. Studies […]

Four Ways to Check Anger in Children With ADHD

If your child is one of the many who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, it's likely you've seen a myriad of difficult-to-manage […]

4 Negative Coping Strategies to Watch for in a Student with Dyslexia

Students with dyslexia can be incredibly clever at hiding their problems. While they may not be reading as well as their classmates, they tend to […]

Tips for Helping You Homeschool a Child With Learning Challenges

Homeschooling under any circumstances can be a challenge, but when you have one or more children who have learning disabilities, the challenge […]

Tips for Making the Most of Your Child's IEP Meeting

Your child's IEP (Individualize Education Program) plan is instrumental to their educational success. As a parent, you play a crucial role in the […]

Desks for Success: How to Create a Homework Space for Kids

Help for Behavioral Issues: Creating Structures for Consistency

Child behavioral issues can be challenging and frustrating for the entire family. As a parent, you may notice that if you don't maintain a strict […]

Attention Parents! It's Time to Stop Blaming Yourself for Your Child's Struggles
