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Brain Balance Blog

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Tips for Helping You Homeschool a Child With Learning Challenges

Homeschooling under any circumstances can be a challenge, but when you have one or more children who have learning disabilities, the challenge […]

Tips for Making the Most of Your Child's IEP Meeting

Your child's IEP (Individualize Education Program) plan is instrumental to their educational success. As a parent, you play a crucial role in the […]

Desks for Success: How to Create a Homework Space for Kids

Help for Behavioral Issues: Creating Structures for Consistency

Child behavioral issues can be challenging and frustrating for the entire family. As a parent, you may notice that if you don't maintain a strict […]

Attention Parents! It's Time to Stop Blaming Yourself for Your Child's Struggles

How Theater Boosts Learning and Improves Social Skills

As the school year begins, parents worried about their children's excess energy or ability to interact with their peers should consider finding ways […]

How to Pass a School Test: 3 Tips for Students With ADHD

If your child suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), you know how difficult it can be to keep them focused on their studies. […]

5 Activities to Make Fine Motor Practice Fun at Home

Once school is back in session, kids are asked to complete many fine motor tasks. These involve the use of tiny muscles in the hands and fingers to […]

How Yoga Can Help Your Child Become a Better Student

Success in school depends on a variety of factors. One of the most important factors is the issue of individual maturity, which takes place at unique […]
