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Brain Balance Blog

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The Effect of Nutrition on Sleep

Did you know that what’s on your child’s plate has a powerful influence on how well they sleep? Many things influence your child’s ability to fall […]

Why Kids with ADHD are More Prone to Lying

Do your kids lie? Any child will tell a lie from time to time. But, if your child has ADHD, he or she probably lies more often than others. This […]

How Lack of Sleep Impacts Your Teen's Mood and Behavior

A lack of sleep mightt impact your teen's mood and behavior in unusual ways, according to research. Teenagers who exhibit a depressive mood and […]

Signs that Anxiety is Causing Defiant Behavior

Anxiety is often mistaken as shyness. When a child is shy, however, they don't tend to show many, if any, defiant behavior. After all, some kids tend […]

When Stress and Anxiety are Behind Bad Behavior

Get started with a plan for your child today. Kids can be a handful. They're full of joy, love, and laughter. There's nothing like raising a child, […]

Defiant Behavior: What's Happening in the Brain?

When a child displays defiant behavior, it can feel baffling and challenging for parents. Oppositional and defiant behavior can also be a sign of […]

Chore Chart by Age

Getting your child to help with chores around the house is a great way to teach responsibility and discipline. It also has a slew of other benefits […]

Should I Discipline My Child's Sensory Seeking Behavior?

Children who have sensory processing disorder can experience sensory input in different ways. While some children get overloaded by their sensory […]

10 Ideas for a Family Fresh Start: Improve Defiant and Disruptive Behavior

If you notice that your child is being highly disruptive, defiant, aggressive, or anti-social, it's imperative that you take proactive action — […]
