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Reduce Back to School Stress for Dyslexic Learners

back-to-school-with-dyslexiaWhen it's time to go back to school, kids can find the change in routine stressful and overwhelming. This can be particularly true for dyslexic learners, who find the academic challenges that schools present particularly difficult.
If you have a dyslexic learner dreading her back-to-school days, fear not. There are some simple steps you can take to reduce stress for her and ensure that going back into the classroom is an enjoyable and fun experience possible. Read on to learn about how.

Talk to Teachers

Before the start of the school year, have open conversations with teachers and administrators about your child's learning difficulties. Ensure they have the proper plan in place so that your child is cared for and taught properly. Also, get your child in touch with her new teacher so they can meet and become familiar with each other before the school year begins. This can help ease anxiety and stress before the classes actually start.

Enjoy the End of Summer

Once you've introduced your child and her teacher, ensure that you make the end of summer exciting and not only stressful and focused on school. Continue to do fun, summer activities while slowing shifting your child's routine back to his normal school day routine. By not stressing about back-to-school too much, and by mitigating your own anxiety, you can make the situation low pressure and less scary for your kids.

Look Into Assistive Technology

There are new technologies today that can be extremely helpful for dyslexic learners. Look into what's available for your child, and talk to the school about what could be acceptable to use. Once you know what will help, purchase the technology and let your child practice using it. That way, when school time rolls around, he'll be ready and familiar with how to take advantage of his tools.

Make a School Toolbox

In addition to tech tools, make a toolbox filled with gadgets and tools that can help your dyslexic learner succeed. Consider getting things like handwriting paper, pencil grips, glue sticks, and more. Think about tools that will make completing regular, routine tasks easier and more comfortable for your child with dyslexia.
To learn more about why our whole-child approach is the most effective way to help your child, contact us online or find a center near you.
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