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Brain Balance Blog:
ADHD Awareness Kid

Five Common Myths (and Truths) about ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder—we all know it as ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopment disorders, yet it’s also one of the most […]

ADHD Neurology: How Does ADHD Affect the Brain?

When we think about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, many of us visualize the external symptoms: hyperactivity, impulsivity, or a […]

504 Accommodations for Students with ADHD

Every student has the right to an education that meets their unique needs. Blind students have written information provided orally or in Braille. […]

ADHD Guide for Grandparents: How to Help a Grandchild With ADHD

Many grandparents may find modern childcare practices and diagnoses, like ADHD, confusing or unfamiliar. It’s natural for them to feel unsure or even […]

Tips for Kids: How to Focus on Schoolwork

Are you struggling with how to focus on schoolwork when there are a million other things that seem more compelling? Learning how to get motivated to […]

Understanding Brain Connectivity: How Our Minds Develop and Adapt

At Brain Balance, we are deeply committed to understanding how the brain grows, develops, and adapts over time. By exploring brain connectivity and […]

Impulse Control Activities for Kids

You are not alone in seeking how to help children with impulse control. Many parents and educators are in the same boat, exploring techniques and […]

ADD vs. ADHD: What's The Difference?

Of course, you love your child. You just wish they would slow down for just one minute. Maybe they seem to be dashing off in a dozen directions at […]

The Science Behind Brain Balance

By Dr. Rebecca Jackson
