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Brain Balance Blog:
ADHD (9)

Finding Balance: Tips for Parents of Kids Who Struggle

If you have a child with academic, social or behavioral issues like ADHD, dyslexia or another learning disorder, you may struggle to balance your […]

Using Graphic Organizers to Design Student Success

Graphic organizers can be great tools for guiding student success, especially for students with learning differences and behavioral issues. These […]

Study Tips for Students with Academic Struggles

School Supply List for Students with Learning Differences and Attention Issues

As children head back to school, it's time to shop for school supplies. While you may not see the following items on the typical school supply list, […]

Coping Strategies to Help Your Child Get Through the First Day Back to School

Tips and strategies to help your student manage back-to-school jitters.

Keep Your Cool This Summer: 5 Ideas for Parenting Breaks

Tips for parents to help manage summertime stress and frustration with these ideas for much needed parenting breaks.

Crossing the Midline and Learning Differences

Learn the Connection Between Crossing the Midline and Learning Disorders Midline exercises and activities like writing across a piece of paper, […]

A Mindful Approach to Behavioral Challenges

Mindfulness techniques can help with impulse control and, overall, manage behavior.

4 Tips for a Stress-Free Spring Break
