It's the Season of Hugs: 3 Coping Tips for Kids With Sensory Issues
Valentine’s Day is the day of love. During this day, it is acceptable to show others how you feel by physically expressing your care for them. This […]
Valentine’s Day is the day of love. During this day, it is acceptable to show others how you feel by physically expressing your care for them. This […]
All kids throw tantrums. They fuss, they scream, they cry and sometimes, they even throw things. They do this at home and in public because they're […]
Changing schools is anxiety provoking for most kids. Some are only mildly affected while others fret enough to lose sleep. If your child has social […]
- by Holly Larson, RD
Help Your Child Manage Back to School Jitters with These Tips!
Children with neurobehavioral disorders like ADHD, Aspergers syndrome (ASD), processing disorders and learning disabilities often feel anxious and […]
Test Taking Tips for Children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities