Kids With Autism Detect Movement Twice As Fast As Other Kids
Kids with autism can detect simple movements twice as fast as kids who don't have the disorder according to new research from the University of […]
Kids with autism can detect simple movements twice as fast as kids who don't have the disorder according to new research from the University of […]
At Brain Balance Achievement Centers, we've long contended that the brain has the ability to change and improve throughout a person's lifetime, […]
As ADHD rates climb and parents looks for a reason why, the link between ADHD and pesticides continues to be investigated. The American Academy of […]
Halloween is right around the corner! Most kids can't wait to don their costumes and make their way through the neighborhood, but for children with […]
It's no secret that kids with learning and behavioral disorders and their parents often end up dealing with bullies. At Brain Balance Achievement […]
Special Needs Update! Reduce your child's back to school anxiety by preparing now. At Brain Balance, we believe every child can connect with success […]
July 4th can mean additional sensory challenges for children with special needs. Between the festive parades and fireworks that light up the night […]
Kids with sensory sensitivities often have trouble enjoying everyday activities like play dates and school functions. Extreme sensitivity to noise, […]