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Brain Balance Blog:
IEP Meeting (2)

IEP Meeting Checklist for Parents: A Pocket Guide

When you're looking for help for a student who struggles with a learning disability or mental health condition, you know it's important to have a […]

What to Know Before Your Child's 504 or IEP Annual Review

You've gotten a notice in the mail or a phone call reminding you that your child's annual 504 or IEP review is going to take place. Whether you're a […]

Important Insights Into ADHD Learning Styles and Other Learning Disabilities

When it comes to teaching children who have a learning disability or ADHD, there are countless theories out there. Some are based on studies and […]

Give Your Child a Voice During an IEP Meeting

Oftentimes the student's voice is never heard during IEP meetings. It's unfortunate, because letting students lead IEP meetings, or at least advocate […]

Tips for Making the Most of Your Child's IEP Meeting

Your child's IEP (Individualize Education Program) plan is instrumental to their educational success. As a parent, you play a crucial role in the […]

Music as Motivator, Communicator and Teacher

For some students with learning challenges, music-based interventions might help them progress in educational areas where conventional teaching […]

Auditory Processing Disorder in the Classroom — How Parents Can Help

Auditory processing can impact not only the ability to hear what's being said, but also the interpretation of what's said, a student's ability to pay […]

3 Ways to Improve Parent/Teacher Communication

What to Do When a Teacher Isn’t Supportive of a Student’s Needs
