Classroom Accommodations for Students with Slow Processing
If your child is a slow processor due to sensory processing challenges, you may want to ask their teacher to make classroom accommodations for them. […]
If your child is a slow processor due to sensory processing challenges, you may want to ask their teacher to make classroom accommodations for them. […]
Visiting a doctor may be inconvenient, and at times uncomfortable, but adults know that it’s a necessary part of our general wellness. However, for a […]
Learning and behavioral disorders often go hand in hand with sensory sensitivities or even sensory processing disorder. The good news is there are […]
Taking a photo with Santa is a cherished Christmas tradition – for some kids. For kids who are anxious, easily overstimulated, impulsive or deal with […]
Holiday traditions provide meaning through ritual and practice. For young people with sensory processing disorder, ADD, and other learning disorders […]
Halloween's the most fun day of the year for some families. And in others, Halloween is the cause of a lot of misery. Sensory issues make Halloween […]
As kids go back to school after the summer, they'll be spending more time out of the house and with other kids, and thus, it's important for them to […]