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Brain Balance Blog:
Sensory Processing Disorder (5)

At-Home Playground Ideas to Enhance Childhood Development

Adaptive play can give better childhood development results for children who struggle with conditions like ADHD, or sensory processing disorder and […]

Top 10 Children's Books for Kids with ADHD, Learning Differences and Sensory Processing Disorder

The following books offer information and support to kids who struggle with ADHD, learning differences and sensory issues. These are great gift […]

Auditory Processing Disorder in the Classroom — How Parents Can Help

Auditory processing can impact not only the ability to hear what's being said, but also the interpretation of what's said, a student's ability to pay […]

At-home Learning Options Improve School Skills

Many parents feel that at-home learning should be an extension of the classroom and try to continue a similar structure to academic learning in […]

More Tips for Transitioning Back into the School Routine

After a long summer of late night bonfires, sleeping in or sleeping over at friends' houses, children need to be transitioned back into their school […]

Back-to-School with Sensory Processing Disorder: 3 Tips

Swimming Tips for Kids With Processing Disorders

Minimize sensory meltdowns at the pool with these swim tips!

Fun Sensory Activities to Help Improve Handwriting

Improve student handwriting skills with fine motor sensory activities.

Why Kids with Auditory Processing Disorder Struggle to Follow Directions

Does your child have difficulty following multi-step directions? An Auditory Processing Disorder may be to blame.
