There is no shortage of brain games available, and in recent years, their popularity has continued to rise — particularly among those with ADHD and learning disorders.
Being fun and interactive ways to strengthen core cognitive skills, these games can improve your child's focus and attention, all while allowing you to better understand their strengths and weaknesses.
The best part is, some of the most effective brain games are those that have been around for decades — many of which are low-cost.
What Are Brain Games and How Effective Are They?
Brain games are typically designed to enhance and strengthen specific cognitive skills, including one's ability to strengthen their attention, process information more rapidly, and focus more intently.
Brain training can be a valuable tool for your family. Whether you are trying to simply increase focus or academic performance, or your child is living with ADHD, language disorders, learning disabilities or executive function problems.
Research has shown that traditional (free) games, such as Red Light, Green Light, can be very effective. Even crossword puzzles have been shown to increase attention among ADHD students.
Top Brain Games for ADHD and Learning Disorders
When selecting brain games for your children, be mindful of their unique personality. Work with your child to find games that interest them — make it fun and play together!
Incorporate these games into your family's weekly schedule, promoting learning, all while encouraging more quality time with one another.
Card Games
Many families enjoy classic card games, such as Euchre and cribbage. Some children take great interest in these types of games. However, for some, they're more challenging.
There are now plenty of low-cost card games on-the-market that are specifically designed to assist those with ADHD and learning disorders. From Mad Dragon (a therapeutic, anger-control game) to uKloo (a scavenger hunt card game that promotes greater focus, while enhancing reading skills), there are options for everyone.
Simon Says
Simon Says is a classic, and has long been recommended for children with ADHD. By helping your child focus on specific cognitive skills, all while encouraging body movement, they can improve their symptoms. Plus, it's fun for everyone!
This game can help children develop greater inhibitory control as they improve their motor skills and ability to pay attention. Freeze Dance is another great family-fun game to encourage greater focus and physical activity.
Tabletop Games
Child psychologists have long used play as a therapeutic tool, particularly for those living with ADHD and anxiety disorders.
Chutes and Ladders is another classic, one that can help children adapt, as they learn to celebrate success and deal with possible failure. This is a positive way to help your child build a healthier frustration tolerance.
Chinese checkers is a great game because it helps children anticipate consequences. This can help them learn to think ahead and problem solve in order to promote optimal outcomes.
Classic memory games are great — as well strategy board games, such as Chess or Battleship. This not only requires children to focus, but also to reason and think logically.
Here are some additional games that can help boost your child's gross motor skills.
Encourage Family Play Time!
Although more research needs to be conducted, many parents are seeing improvements in their children as a result of brain training games — many of which are family classics.
Whether your child finds math or reading less taxing or are simply more confident as a result, brain games can certainly compliment more traditional treatment plans.
For over a decade, we’ve helped over 50,000 individuals improve the critical skills needed to create a brighter path for their future. You can also view the research and results of the program on the website and contact us to learn more about how the Brain Balance Program can help.