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Help for Learning Disorders in Children

Watch our video to learn more about the signs and symptoms of learning disorders in children!

Learning Disorders in Children May Include Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, and Dyspraxia:

  • Dyslexia is a reading disorder characterized by difficulty recognizing letters, learning letter sounds, and identifying rhyming words. 
  • Dysgraphia is a learning disability characterized by distorted and incorrect handwriting as well as issues with fine motor skills. 
  • Dyscalculia is a disorder characterized by problems with learning fundamentals that include one or more basic numerical skills. 
  • Dyspraxia, also called Apraxia, is a condition characterized by a significant difficulty in carrying out routine tasks involving balance, fine-motor control, and kinesthetic coordination.

Brain Balance can help with Learning Disorders in Children

Parents saw a 42% improvement, on average, in their child’s ability to learn in school after completing the Brain Balance program**.

If your child is having difficulty learning to read and write or appears to have marked issues with motor development, we invite you to consider the Brain Balance Program. Learn how Brain Balance gets to the root of the issue to help your child uncover their potential. 

Get started with a plan for your child today!
