Welcome to Brain Balance of Chula Vista - Media

Brain Balance Chula Vista News & Media
Fox 5 News 8/20/24 - Afterschool Activities and Anxiety
Salud Californias
Entrevista especial con Jon Pak, Director Ejecutivo de Brain Balance. Descubre cómo este programa Integrativo y libre de medicamentos ayuda a niños y adultos a mejorar la atención, comportamiento y regulación emocional mediante un enfoque sensorial, cognitivo y motor.
Special interview with Jon Pak, Executive Director of Brain Balance. Discover how this integrative and medication-free program helps children and adults improve attention, behavior and emotional regulation through a sensory, cognitive and motor approach.
Fox 5 News 7/8/24 - Limit Your Child's Screen Time
CBS 8 News 2/21/23 - Reading, Writing, and Math Challenges
CBS 8 News 8/19/22: Ways to Ease Back-to-School Anxiety
Fox 5 News 8/19/22: Handling Back-to-School Anxiety
CBS 8 News 5/17/22: Brain Health and Mental Health Awareness Month
Brain Balance - Center for learning challenges / Centro de retos de aprendizaje - KSDY 50 4/6/22 (In Spanish)
Race for Autism
April 2, 2022
We did something "super" on World Autism Awareness Day by participating in the 2022 Race for Autism SUPERHERO 5K Run/Walk in beautiful Balboa Park hosted by the National Foundation for Autism Research (NFAR). The Brain Balance League raised over $650, participated in the run and walk, and was an exhibitor at the resource fair. Watch the amazing time we had celebrating World Autism Acceptance Day.
San Diego's Brain Balance Expands to Chula Vista - Times of San Diego
iHeart Radio | Listen Here
February 4, 2022. El Impacto De La Pandemia En El Desarrollo De Los Niños Desde El Embarazo A La Escuela
The Impact Of The Pandemic On The Development Of Children From Pregnancy To School.
Fox 5 News 7/21/21
Preventing "Brain Mush" Over Summer Break
Fox 5 News 4/12/2021
Autism Awareness Month and Back to School Help
Fox 5 News 1/12/2021
Helping Kids Manage Distractions and Meltdowns
Times of San Diego 1/6/21
KUSI TV 11/2/20
Brain Balance and Halloween Candy Buy-Back - segment 1
KUSI TV 11/2/20
Brain Balance and Halloween Candy Buy-Back - segment 2
KUSI TV 9/19/20
Distance Learning and Help With Neurodevelopmental Disorders
"Dyslexia Warning Signs" Fox 5 News 8/25/20
10News 8/5/20
Balancing the Brain Through Exercise
The San Diego Union-Tribune
June 13, 2020
“A life spent helping others continues by helping kids with developmental differences”
Times of San Diego
Experts Together Guest Blog – May 2020: Distance Learning and Body and Brain Breaks
“Is it me or my child? Homeschooling challenges” with Shally from Fox 5 News 5/7/20
Fox 5 News 4/16/20
Body & Brain Breaks & Learning Red Flags
KUSI TV 1/20/20
Fox 5 News 1/2/20
10News 10/30/19
Chula Vista Grand Opening
Brain Balance of San Diego is excited to announce the opening of its second location in San Diego’s South Bay at 310 Third Avenue, # C7 in Chula Vista (91910). Located in the heart of Chula Vista Village (Third and F Street), the 1,578-square-foot center will cater to students and families in the community who may be struggling with a variety of social, emotional, and academic challenges in school. This location will have bilingual (Spanish) instructors as well. View our Grand Opening event.
Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.
310 3rd Avenue
Suite C7
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 11am - 7:30pm