Back-to-School Success Starts Here
We Help Kids, Teens and Young Adults Build the Focus, Behavior and Social-Emotional Skills Kids Need to Thrive in School.
At Brain Balance of San Diego, we’ve made it our mission to help frustrated families with a holistic, drug-free program that goes beyond the more mainstream approaches you may have tried. Brain Balance is an integrated approach to helping kids, teens, and young adults improve the attention, focus, behavior and cognitive skills needed for success in school.
Is Your Child's Brain Optimized to Learn?
If practice isn’t creating proficiency in school for your child, this could indicate a developmental immaturity in the brain that is disrupting the learning process. When it comes to learning, there are so many separate brain functions that all need to work together in perfect harmony to succeed. The brain needs to be able to pay attention, block out distractions, and process auditory and visual information while relying on working memory so that you can take the information and apply it when needed. A disruption in any one of those areas can impact the whole.
Signs that your child may be struggling from developmental immaturity include:
- Meltdowns
- Task avoidance
- Procrastination
- Trouble retaining information or details
- Difficulty with retention or comprehension of academic information
- Inconsistency in scores, tests or other outcomes
- Persistent complaining about going to school
- Falling behind
At Brain Balance of San Diego, our program helps students close these developmental gaps to ensure their brains are ready to learn.
Get started with a plan for your child today!
Hear How Brain Balance Has Helped Families Just Like Yours
Jack's Story
"He has had a tricky time in school. He struggled a lot with learning . . . [Now] I don't have to wonder 'what's going to happen today?' or 'is he going to come out of school crying or feeling overwhelmed?' . . . there's just no words as a parent and as a mother for the comfort you feel knowing he's going to be ok."
Elizabeth's Story
"I was never the type of student where I could just go to class and then everything would just stick to me. I had to go home and re-study and re-teach myself. After I took Brain Balance . . . I feel like I am paying attention and I don't zone out as much. I felt like a different person."
Wes' Story
"We noticed when he started kindergarten. . . how hyper he was, he was inattentive, he couldn't focus . . . and he wasn't able to relay the information in his brain to his teachers . . . Since we started Brain Balance . . . He is much more focused in school, in sports, at home. His confidence has gone through the roof."
DeAngelo's Story
"Not being able to comprehend, whether it was math or reading. Handwriting, just fine motor skills weren't there. I didn't need a tutor, I needed someone to change behavior, and that's what Brain Balance is . . . we were Fs and Ds now we're As and Bs."
Emmalynn's Story
"My daughter had focus issues. . . especially at school. She had a lot of impulsivity. She was starting to fall behind. . . bringing a lot of homework home. She has flourished this year at school and we are so excited to see her continue on and be the best version of herself."
Dylan's Story
"Test-taking was really hard because I didn't focus on the test, I'd focus on what my friends were doing . . . Now that I've gone to Brain Balance . . . I'm not really fidgety anymore and I'm more focused on my work than I am on my friends and I've really improved in school."
How the Brain Balance Program Works
The Brain Balance Program incorporates cognitive exercise, physical, and sensory exercise, and nutrition methods and combines them into one approach optimized to improve whole-brain connectivity.

Make Brain Balance a Part of Your Back-to-School Plan
Understand the root cause of your child’s struggles
We conduct a full assessment which helps us understand and accurately identify areas that may be holding your child back.
Recommend a customized program to strengthen the weaker areas and restore balance
Recommend a customized program to strengthen the weaker areas and restore balance.
Implement the integrated approach in center or at home
Our program helps strengthen pathways in the brain by integrating cognitive activities with sensory and physical exercises as well as nutritional guidance.