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Brain Balance Wilmington


Brain Balance Has a Non-Medical Approach to Help Your Child

Brain Balance is the leading drug-free program designed to help kids improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety, and academic performance. Our comprehensive programming incorporates learnings from cognitive, behavioral and nutrition fields—an integrated approach that is literally redefining what’s possible.

Is something blocking your child’s social, behavioral or academic progress? Brain Balance picks up where conventional approaches leave off, going beyond the treatment of symptoms to address root causes. At Brain Balance, we’re not about coping with barriers. We’re about knocking them down, one small breakthrough at a time.

What our Clients Say

Research Shows Brain Balance is Effective

A Harvard study found that kids who participated in the Brain Balance Program saw a significant reduction in ADHD index scores, discernible changes in hyperactivity, enhanced cognitive attention, and reductions in oppositional behavior.

We are continually collaborating with world class researchers to show the efficacy of the program and reveal through data how the Brain Balance Program can help children, teens and adults improve.

Find a better way forward. Complete the form to learn more.

About the Brain Balance Program®

The Brain Balance Program is made up of physical and sensorimotor exercises, academic skills training and healthy nutrition. It is tailored to the needs of your child, and delivered in a uniquely systematic approach that you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere else.

A Whole-Brain Approach

The program engages the brain and body together, through sensory engagement, physical development and academic learning activities.

Personalized to Your Child’s Challenges

The program is tailored to your child’s needs and development level, delivered with the frequency and duration needed to drive meaningful change.

1:1 Coaching & Support

Our coaches will personally guide you through the program, including evaluating progress and leveling up as your child advances.

1:1 Nutrition Sessions

A Nutrition Coach will help customize a healthy nutrition plan fit for your child's lifestyle and needs.

On-Demand Resources

You’ll have access to a Program Portal where you can view on demand helper videos, nutrition content, and program resources.

Program Format

Your child can work onsite at your local Brain Balance Center with our coaches three times per week.

We also offer an at-home virtual option that is parent-led. You'll have weekly video check-ins from your program coach.

NEW: Adult Program

Now more than ever we are called to be on the top of our game and function at higher levels. Whether you need a competitive edge at work, want to improve your quality of life, or long for improved or deeper connections with family and friends, the Brain Balance Program can help you get ahead.

Stories from Brain Balance Center of Wilmington

"We originally placed our son into the 12 week summer program because he was struggling with math, reading comprehension, and reading retention. We were pleasantly surprised by his improvement in other areas (ones we knew he needed improvement in, but not considered by us a “high priority”), like greatly improved balance – used to hate his bike, scooter, and skateboard, but now uses all 3 well. His gym teacher has noticed improved coordination, more desire to participate, and is now one of the faster runners in class. He even said he wants to be a gym teacher when he grows up – big deal coming from someone who used to LOATHE gym! He no longer complains of daily stomach issues and has had a reduction in daily headaches."

Jennifer H., 10 year old son diagnosed with Aspergers/Autism

"[Before Brain Balance] we haven’t had a real exchange of conversation EVER! I am usually telling him to sit up straight or comb his hair or finish his homework. We never talk – but today we did – and it was wonderful!"

Kelly S., 15 year old son who struggled with Social Interactions, anxiety and Aspergers

"Doing this program has showed me that our so called “disadvantages” are easily seen as faults but Brain Balance in a way does not get rid of them as much as it rounds them out. We have learned how to use our ADHD to help us focus on what needs to be focused on and tune out the outside noise."

Ethan W., Age 15

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Is there any research behind the program?

How long is the program?

Our Team

Greta Fowler
Greta Fowler

Executive Director

Meet Greta Fowler, director of the Brain Balance Center in Wilmington. Greta received her bachelor’s degree from University of Richmond in English and Education with a minor in Music. She is a certified teacher in Secondary Education and has taught for over ten years in public and private schools here and abroad. She is married to her husband Doug and together they have four children.

Cindy Zern
Cindy Zern

Assistant Director

Cindy Zern earned her Bachelor's of Arts degree from Widener University in Government and Politics. After working in the corporate world for over 20 years, she decided to pursue a career in education & fitness. Cindy currently teaches a wide variety of classes both on land and in water, as well as coaches students at Brain Balance where she loves working with our students and families. In her free time, Cindy performs in shows both locally and regionally, enjoys singing with her church's praise team and volunteers at their coffee shop, spending time with family and friends, especially her husband, three boys and two dogs.

Joshua Zern

Program Director

Joshua Zern earned his Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from West Chester University in May of 2023. He has been a coach at Brain Balance since September of 2023 and since September 1st 2024 has stepped up as the Program Director. He really enjoys getting to know all of the students that he sees everyday. In his free time, he enjoys spending time outside whether it’s hiking on land or kayaking in the water. He is a really big Philadelphia Eagles fan, so when you see him always say “Go Birds!”

Abbey_Wilmington small
Abbey Lord

Sensory Motor and Academic Coach

Abbey Lord received her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Behavior Science with a minor in Human Development and Family Sciences from the University of Delaware. Her passion for working with children has led her to working at Brain Balance. She loves to help the students and build meaningful connections with them. She enjoys seeing the progress that each individual student makes throughout their program. Abbey’s hobbies include reading, ice skating, and spending time with friends and family.

Jack Rotsch
Jack Rotsch

Sensory Motor and Academic Coach

Jack Rotsch has his Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice with minors in Sociology and history from Mount St. Mary’s University. He believes the best part about working at Brain Balance is helping the students and watching them make real progress towards reaching their full potential. In his free time, Jack enjoys playing rugby and going to the movies.


Brain Balance of Wilmington Events

Webinar Events

Every month we offer a free webinar on a common struggle that children and young adults across the country may experience. Each of these webinars offers information, actionable strategies for change, as well as a deeper understanding of WHY these challenges are happening and how to address the root cause.
Register Now.



Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.

Read more about the Center


4758 Limestone Road
2nd Floor
Wilmington, DE 19808




M,T,W,Th: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
F: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Sun: Closed

