Brain Balance Winter Garden Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews & Testimonials from Brain Balance Winter Garden Families
Brain Balance has been such a blessing. Our son was diagnosed with ADHD & anxiety. Every school year, it seemed he’d lose two years’ worth of learning. He’d get to two years ahead by the end of the school year, but by the new year, he’d flounder. The teachers and doctors just kept throwing more medications at us. We’ve always known he was gifted, but the schools never saw it. They saw a “busy boy”. With the help of Brain Balance, Eli has been able to come off all of his medications and he has learned coping skills when anxiety strikes (much less often than before). His angry outbursts have lessened substantially. It is refreshing to see how happy he is. I heard him laugh about halfway through the program. We had forgotten how rarely he was laughing. It was a beautiful sound!! He is less clumsy, too!!
– Karen D., Brain Balance Parent
Olivia received her first bike when she was 5 years old. She could not ride it even with training wheels because her balance and coordination was so bad. After about 2 years she could finally ride with training wheels, but we never thought she would be able to get rid of the training wheels. 3 months after starting Brain Balance, Olivia was able to ride her bike without training wheels. She is doing so well and is so confident. We are so happy and hopeful about the progress Olivia is making at Brain Balance.
– Elizabeth D., Brain Balance Parent
Natalie has shown improvement in eye contact and a lot more verbal than she used to be. She actually skips and started to run when she never did before. At school, I would pick her up for aggressive behavior but since she started the program school has reported nothing but inappropriate touching and loud vocals. Tremendous improvement at school. I look forward to see what else she can accomplish.
– Kerlin Q., Brain Balance Parent
Brain Balance has made positive changes for my son Hezkel. He lives a healthy life now with good nutrition and exercises provided by Brain Balance. He can do sports including riding a bike, basketball, soccer, and swimming. His balance has improved a lot so he can do many of these things with ease. His comprehension is improving as well. He is able to have a two-way conversation now. He has better eye contact and he can recognize others’ emotions. He is interested in meeting new people. We hope his social skills will improve after the program is finished so we can go back to a normal routine and he can go back to school.
– Hendri S, Brain Balance Parent
My husband and I started to worry about our son Joel’s behavior ever since he was three years old. We thought it was just going to go away in a few years. Instead, it was getting worse especially when he started pre-school. He was very hyper and would hit people for no reason. He would even destroy school property. We were called by the school various times due to his behavior and would have to pick him up early. His behavior was getting worse and when he reached third grade we finally took him to a psychologist for an evaluation. He was diagnosed with ADHD and a learning disability and was put on medications. The medications side effects were causing him to lose his appetite and as a consequence he wasn’t eating like he used to. He also became more aggressive.
One day, I was listening to 107.7 on the radio and they mentioned Brain Balance. It caught my attention and I decided to give it a try. At first, I was adamant because of the cost. I asked myself “What if this doesn’t work?”. But I was a concerned parent and I decided to give it a shot anyway. I honestly thank myself for taking the leap of faith. The staff was excellent. We saw a huge difference with his behavior within two months of care. We have seen improvements with Joel everyday with Brain Balance. They just knew and identified which part of the brain Joel needed the most attention and targeted that side with programming to manage the balance his brain was missing and needed.
At Brain Balance, the staff knows how to detect the root issues of where bad behaviors stem from and how to create a balance for a better-behaved child. We were very impressed by this. We followed all the home programming and home exercises Brain Balance provided us. By 7 weeks of care, I dropped Joel’s medication off 2 days of the week leaving him to only take his medication 3 days a week instead of 5. I noticed that the days I did not give him the medication he was better off than the days he did take them. The time came where I became more confident and took him completely off the medications. He had no incidents at school and he began to understand the consequences of his actions. His teacher even noticed he was paying more attention in class and called me to tell me that his listening skills changed, he was following direction in class, and was even eating his lunch. I told his teacher I had taken Joel off his medications because Brain Balance helped us find the problem and manage it appropriately with the correct care. It was such a blessing to see all these changed and we are extremely happy with the results. Joel is doing good and he is more responsible. Thank you Brain Balance!
– Kadidia M., Brain Balance Parent
Our daughter, Charlotte was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Her diagnosis was later changed to Asperger’s Syndrome when she was six years old. Charlotte has been in ABA therapy, occupational therapy, social skills group, and other educational interventions since the time of her initial diagnosis. We witnessed tremendous progress with Charlotte with traditional interventions, however Charlotte continued to struggle with anxiety, self confidence, and developing relationships. In general, Charlotte seemed unhappy and that was difficult to endure as a parent. It was heartbreaking to hear her talk negatively about herself, to watch her remain on the outside of her class and peer group.
Charlotte’s anxiety and negative self-talk intensified last year and so when a friend told us about Brain Balance, we were immediately interested. Having exhausted so many resources and after years of shuttling Charlotte to a variety of therapies; my husband and I had become cautiously optimistic. We arrived to Charlotte’s initial assessment skeptical but willing to give it a shot.
We are now nearing the end of Charlotte’s six month program with Brain Balance and I cannot believe the breakthroughs we have experienced. Charlotte is consistently making eye contact with those with whom she speaks. She no longer engages in negative self talk. Her teachers and I have seen her progress academically. Her self-confidence grows every day. Charlotte brought us all to tears when she decided to audition for the Christmas program at her school. She had never expressed even the smallest interest in participating in a school production and here she was wanting to audition. I can tell you, there was not a dry eye in the auditorium when we watched her walk onto the stage and belt out a song in front of a large audience. The best part was the smile on her face when she finished. Charlotte has opened up to her peers. She now has a best friend with whom she sits with every day at lunch. She was invited over for her first playdate a few weeks ago. Our family is so grateful to have this happy, confident girl. Charlotte still has her struggles but she now has the confidence and the communication skills to work through them. We are so thankful for the amazing staff at Brain Balance. We are getting to know a whole new side of our daughter and it is so exciting. She is connecting with us and with others and that is truly a gift.
Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.
13848 Tilden Road #200
Winter Garden, FL 34787
M/W/F: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Tue/Thurs: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM