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Brain Balance of Oakland County


Brain Balance Has a Non-Medical Approach to Help Kids and Adults

Brain Balance is the leading drug-free program designed to help kids and adults improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety, and academic performance. Our comprehensive programming incorporates learnings from cognitive, behavioral and nutrition fields—an integrated approach that is literally redefining what’s possible.


For Children

Is something blocking your child’s social, behavioral or academic progress? Brain Balance picks up where conventional approaches leave off, going beyond the treatment of symptoms to address root causes. At Brain Balance, we’re not about coping with barriers. We’re about knocking them down, one small breakthrough at a time.


For Adults

Whether you are looking to enhance your attention, memory, and problem solving, or want to improve your stress and mood management, Brain Balance can help. The program is designed to strengthen brain connectivity using a unique combination of physical, sensory, and cognitive activities. We’ll ship you everything you need to complete your program from the comfort of your home.

Research Shows Brain Balance is Effective

A Harvard study found that kids who participated in the Brain Balance Program saw a significant reduction in ADHD index scores, discernible changes in hyperactivity, enhanced cognitive attention, and reductions in oppositional behavior.

We are continually collaborating with world class researchers to show the efficacy of the program and reveal through data how the Brain Balance Program can help children, teens and adults improve.

Find a better way forward. Complete the form to learn more.

About the Brain Balance Program®

The Brain Balance Program is made up of physical and sensorimotor exercises, academic skills training and healthy nutrition. It is tailored to the needs of your child, and delivered in a uniquely systematic approach that you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere else.

A Whole-Brain Approach

The program engages the brain and body together, through sensory engagement, physical development and academic learning activities.

Personalized to Your Child’s Challenges

The program is tailored to your child’s needs and development level, delivered with the frequency and duration needed to drive meaningful change.

1:1 Coaching & Support

Our coaches will personally guide you through the program, including evaluating progress and leveling up as your child advances.

1:1 Nutrition Sessions

A Nutrition Coach will help customize a healthy nutrition plan fit for your child's lifestyle and needs.

On-Demand Resources

You’ll have access to a Program Portal where you can view on demand helper videos, nutrition content, and program resources.

Program Format

Your child can work onsite at your local Brain Balance Center with our coaches three times per week.

We also offer an at-home virtual option that is parent-led. You'll have weekly video check-ins from your program coach.

NEW: Adult Program

Now more than ever we are called to be on the top of our game and function at higher levels. Whether you need a competitive edge at work, want to improve your quality of life, or long for improved or deeper connections with family and friends, the Brain Balance Program can help you get ahead.

More About Brain Balance of Oakland County

Our Whole Brain Approach

A Personalized Program to Meet Your Needs

What to Expect During the Assessment

What You'll Learn from the Assessment Results

1:1 Coaching and Support

1:1 Nutrition Sessions

On-Demand Resources

Stories from Brain Balance Center of Oakland County

Check back here for updates to our local family stories!

"In the past, my son was unable to cope with any upset in his world. He couldn’t process much of what he heard and saw, we couldn’t reason with him, and he didn’t understand others’ fear or hurt. After Brain Balance, he is coping much better when frustrated, hears better, empathizes better, he has a couple friends at school and a couple friends in the neighborhood. His world has expanded and he loves to make people laugh!"

Tobijah R’s Mom, 6 years old

"Before Brain Balance, my son was difficult to handle, his emotions were off the charts, and his frustrations were always at their peak. He was constantly battling stomach problems and could hardly hold a pencil correctly. Although he was very smart, he had no self control. Now, he has made tremendous progress with his academics at school, he jumped two reading levels, and there are absolutely no stomach issues that prevent him from functioning. His penmanship has improved and he can manage tasks better. I see more improvement every week. This has been one of the best things I could ever do to help my child be successful in life!"

Lucas V.’s Mom, 5 years old

"My daughter was unable to read or write other than her name, she struggled with focus and impulsive behavior, was repeating 1st grade with not much improvement, and had tried many remedies without significant growth. After Brain Balance, she is reading and writing well, interacts more with her peers, has improved on her social and academic skills, has more self confidence, and is not currently taking any medication for focus. The program is worth it. The people are great and she enjoys everyone that works here. This program was a true blessing for our daughter."

Reese S.’s Mom and Dad, 8 years old

"My son was immature, hyperactive, didn’t know what was happening at school, and upset. Lots of outbursts, anger, and an inability to express himself. After Brain Balance, he is more mature, has more age-level conversations, is more relaxed and ready to learn, and is able to focus and listen to instructions. He is calmer, has less outbursts, and less anger. Do the program, it improves the whole family’s life!"

Luke A.’s Mom, 10 years old

"My son’s school work took a very long time to complete. My child was frustrated with not only that his body couldn’t do what he wanted it to do, but that his brain also seemed to fail him in recalling and remembering things. Now, he can do his math homework by himself and school has gotten so much better. He has his own opinions for the first time and a new sense of confidence. He is stronger and has new tools to help with anxiety. We will be forever grateful to Brain Balance of Oakland County and its staff."

Grant D.’s Mom, 11 years old

"My daughter hated reading. There were huge tantrums when it was time to read and do chores. She had anger, poor self-esteem, hated herself, and felt like a failure. She was failing reading levels at school and had problems in class. After Brain Balance, she loves to read, is calm and happy, has no arguments or tantrums with homework or chores. Her teacher has commented on several occasions that her changes are remarkable and positive! She is a completely different kid—happy and thriving."

Andrea O.’s Mom, 9 years old

"My son was easily distracted, had a hard time retaining information, was easily frustrated and very repetitive in his behaviors. Now, he has better focus and he gets started on school work without prompting. He’s more clam than the rest of the family in high stress situations. He’s become helpful in seeing things that need to be done. He is now able to go back to school after being homeschooled for 5 years. This is the first time in 6 years that we have seen results. I sing the praises of Brain Balance of Oakland County to anyone who will listen."

Parker C.’s Dad, 15 years old

"My son was unable to attend school due to continuous aggressive and out of control behavior. He was suspended numerous times in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. He was not learning anything and refused to follow directions. The entire family was walking on eggshells and I was often afraid of mu little 8 year old son. We are almost 2 years out of program and my son is about to graduate 5th grade from our local public school, which he has been attending successfully since mid 3rd grade. He no longer has meltdowns at home or at school. He is loving and helpful to his younger sister and sets a positive example for her in ways that I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams. I now experience moments of bursting with pride over what a wonderful kid he is!"

Christopher M.’s Mom, 11 years old

"My biggest challenge was my child being able to sit still. He was having a hard time doing his homework and attempts to read a book were impossible. He would read one page, be unable to focus, and would want to do something else. At school, he was unfocused throughout the entire school day, and would disrupt the entire class. My son has really improved since then. He is focused and can read—in fact, he ASKS to read books. He has not been excused from class for disruption since we did the program. If you’re thinking about doing this program, I would come in and speak with the director, Carrie. She is very informative in helping you understand the needs of your child!"

Nathan C.’s Mom, 7 years old

"My grandson was having great difficulty in school with sports, making friends, he had low self esteem, and anger issues. He hated school and was unable to concentrate. He is now much more calm, less frustrated, and has high levels of concentration. He doesn’t mind going to school now, gets along with other children much better, is making friends, and is truly a much happier child. Brain Balance is a wonderful center for children and parents alike. It gives hope to parents and gives the children the results that they need for a great and fulfilling life."

Bryce J.’s Grandma, 11 years old

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Is there any research behind the program?

How long is the program?

Our Team

Oakland County Team 2023

Carrie and her husband, Kurt, know first-hand the frustration families experience when their child is struggling.  They were Brain Balance parents first. Before Brain Balance, Carrie and Kurt tried countless therapies and interventions to help their own child overcome academic, social, and behavioral challenges.  After years of testing and treatments that didn’t identify or address the root cause of their child’s struggles, they began to lose hope. Brain Balance felt like the last effort to unlock the potential of their son, who was desperate to be off medications and to have the skills and abilities to achieve his relationship and career goals. The experience their son and family had with Brain Balance was eye opening and transformational, and Carrie couldn’t be more thrilled to be on mission to help more kids and families.  There is no greater gift than seeing a child accomplish what others said they could not.


Brain Balance Center of Oakland County Events

Webinar Events

Every month we offer a free webinar on a common struggle that children and young adults across the country may experience. Each of these webinars offers information, actionable strategies for change, as well as a deeper understanding of WHY these challenges are happening and how to address the root cause.
Register Now.



Check out all available upcoming and pre-recorded webinars here. 



Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.

Read more about the Center


1972 Star-Batt Dr.
Rochester Hills, MI 48309




Monday: 10:00 AM – 7:30 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday:  10:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM