Brain Balance North Olmsted Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews & Testimonials from Brain Balance North Olmsted Families
"It all started with reading the book, Disconnected Kids. Even though I’ve read many developmental and behavioral books over the years it finally made logical sense on why the approach with Brain Balance would be different and impactful! The facts were that I had a kid that struggled hard with speech processing, sensory seeking and had energy for days – it took a toll on the whole family managing behaviors and meltdowns. Both my husband and I read the book and really wanted to find a Center that could support us, teach us and ultimately help our son reach the potential that we know is inside of him! Academically, he’s super smart – exceeding his math and science grade level curriculum, playing piano by ear, and always being the kid who is ready for hugs and jumping on the trampoline. But, he couldn’t focus his attention for more then a few moments (including eye contact) and was frustrated ALL DAY with simple tasks that our two girls mastered quickly.
We found our nearest Brain Balance center, and they have been nothing short of amazingly supportive and responsive – I know they really care about our son and want him to be successful. Weston has grown so much in the twenty-some sessions he’s attended, he’s making new speech connections and has a noticeable difference in processing speed both spoken and heard. His eye contact has improved dramatically, he can now hold eye contact for minutes instead of seconds and looks at others eye movements to take behavioral queues. He’s always been a smart cookie, but his reading comprehension has improved (sooooo huge) and has caught the attention of our friends and family with new spontaneous speech and conversational skills.
We feel so grateful for the Brain Balance program and can’t wait to see what the future holds for Weston. For anyone considering enrolling, please remember that it is an investment of time and money but one that makes a big difference in how your child reacts, functions and ultimately feels! My guidance is to buckle down, do the home exercises regularly, work the nutritional edits into your family’s diet, use ALL the resources, guidance and support they provide at Brain Balance and then watch your child’s development skyrocket!"
-Amy Holmes
"If you are on the fence about Brain Balance for your child, I've got two words for you: Do. It. It has made a huge difference in our daughter's life. It won't be overnight and it won't solve every problem your child has, but it will make solid, foundational changes that will hold them in good stead for the rest of their lives. We tried it for our daughter with the most extreme ADHD symptoms and were so pleased, we put our other daughter (with less extreme symptoms) in as well.
Our situation: two girls, daily calls and texts from teachers regarding behavior and not paying attention in school. I got an average of 2 calls per girl each day. I dreaded answering my phone and my stomach hurt when I saw the school name pop up on my phone. My husband is dead set against medication; me not so much. So the combination of diet, program and home exercises made sense for us. The cost is really high. Not going to lie about it. But it's worth every single dollar.
I've watched first-hand as things started to change - small things like my daughter doing less donkey kicks while she watched her tablet, her starting to do things the 1st or 2nd time I told her, making eye contact when she speaks, and moving to having control over her actions.
Finally, both my girls would tell me that they wanted to do better, be better but they couldn't reach those goals. Their brains didn't have the connections to give them that level of control. It's an amazing process to watch and to know that you are hitting the root of the problem rather than applying temporary band-aids." - Sadie's Mom
"Our journey to parenthood wasn’t the easiest. We faced difficulties and challenges that were ultimately overcome by fertility treatments. That journey prepared us for the unexpected that comes with being parents. Our son, Ashton, was a dream come true. He completed our family and brought us tremendous joy. After a year of typical growth and development, our little guy stopped talking. We noticed some things about his behavior that lead us to pursue some further assessment. At the age of two and a half, our perfect boy was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
We did what any parents would do...we dove right in! We lined up services for ABA therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. Our little boy’s world became full of therapy and services to support his needs. His growth was unbelievable! In such a short amount of time, he made huge strides. His therapists were amazed at progress and we were as well. Our boy found his voice and ultimately graduated from speech therapy, which was huge for him!
At age three, Ashton was put on an IEP and began preschool through our local school district. He absolutely loved his first few months of school. Following the initial few months in school, Ashton stopped talking at school. He began to show severe struggle with anxiety. We jumped right in and added counseling services to his repertoire of services.
We found some benefit to the additional counseling services, but I was still searching for more. That is when I first heard about Brain Balance. I was driving in my car and heard a description on the radio that sounded exactly like my Ashton. I scrambled to write down the information because I knew this was something I had to do for my child.
We were so blessed when we found Brain Balance. After the initial assessment, we definitely saw the areas where our boy struggled. There is nothing more challenging than watching your child struggle. We were committed to do whatever it takes to support him in these areas. Ashton started working on the program three days a week and completing daily exercises at home. While nothing happens overnight, we did begin seeing changes in Ashton. He became less anxious at school. He started whispering in class when prompted. He would engage in a whisper conversation in a small group. It was baby steps, but we were ecstatic.
Throughout our time with Brain Balance, we have several progress checks. The progress we were seeing at home and at school was mirrored at Brain Balance. He was making huge strides and showing tremendous growth! What they were doing with Ashton was working! Ashton finished his program and came out on top of almost every area. He tested above in most of the assessment categories, with vision being the only real concern area. That is mostly because of Ashton’s age and that his eyes are still developing. I feel so reassured that we will continue to be having monthly check ups with Brain Balance to monitor his progress. I feel the program is so thorough...they seem to think of everything! I look forward to watching Ashton grow and progress through this incredible journey.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. I am so thankful that Brain Balance was a part of our village. Brain Balance is a place that we feel at home and where we are always welcomed like family. Ashton is part of the Brain balance family and always will be." - Ashton's Mom
My son has ADHD and he was struggling in school so much. I wanted to steer away from medication and had searched for other ways to help him out. And that’s how I learned about Brain Balance of North Olmsted. Our family is so happy that we did because of the tremendous progress my son made. Based on the child’s initial assessment, the program builds a plan to meet the specific need of your individual child. My son was recommended a certain number of sessions (3x/week) and completed them. However, there were some areas that he still needed to work on more than the other after completing those recommended sessions. I felt like adding more sessions in, so he can master them. I’m so happy I did! My favorite part was following up on his results to see how his scores have changed from his initial assessment. He struggled so much with focus, anxiety, impulse control and among other things. Now my son is thriving! Less repeated instructions, knows how to calm himself down in stressful situations and is able to attend to daily routines without getting sidetracked. Also, the people there are amazing! Nate, April, and Melissa are wonderful, caring, loving people to work with. They are like second family to us! -Muhammed’s Mom
If you are desperate to find support and answers for your child, please take time to talk to the amazing, caring, knowledgeable and kind individuals at Brain Balance. Nine months ago, we started our journey at Brain Balance and I am so thankful that we invested our time and resources in this way! Our son began to sing a few months after starting the program, something he had not done in his eight years. He began to outwardly express love for his family, something we have always felt but never tangibly saw. He is aware of others and their needs, instead of only focusing on what he cares about. You become part of the Brain Balance family. Nate, April and Melissa are personally invested in the growth of your child. -Aiden’s Mom
Brain Balance is a great program! They work one on one with each child on a personalized plan to help them reach their full potential. My son had major growth and development with Brain Balance. We did about 8 months of sessions and we saw all his functioning percentages improve. He loved going to his sessions and was motivated to hit his goals. We loved his coaches and the North Olmsted Brain Balance staff. Most notable improvements are with his ability to focus. He has reactivated all his senses. We also feel he has become more social. -Carter’s Mom
Brain Balance has made an extraordinary impact on our entire family. Our son has made leaps and bounds in the program in such a short amount of time. He has learned self-confidence and strength along with becoming comfortable with a variety of foods and other people. He socializes with peers in an age-appropriate manner. He focuses and learns with enjoyment. Jaymes goes through his day without much anxiety, is happy and laughs a lot! We give the coaches and staff at Brain Balance a HUGE shout out and many thanks for positively changing our lives in so many ways. We love you and are forever grateful. -Jaymes Mom
Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.
5078 Great Northern PLZ S
North Olmsted, OH 44070
M,W,Th 12pm - 8pm
Tues 10am - 6pm