Brain Balance Nashville, TN Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews & Testimonials from Brain Balance Nashville, TN Families
A Unique Program For Children In Nashville
As a parent, it’s heart-wrenching to watch your child struggle. We can help. Brain Balance of Nashville is dedicated to helping children who struggle with meltdowns, low self-confidence, and trouble focusing. Our integrated, whole child program is designed to address each child’s specific needs by combining sensory-motor training, academic skills training, at-home exercises, and a nutrition plan.
When you bring your child to Brain Balance of Nashville, we first give them a personalized assessment. Through this assessment, we identify your child’s strengths and challenges and create a plan that addresses their unique needs. Our program has helped thousands of children overcome common childhood developmental and learning disorders, including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Sensory Processing Disorders, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Asperger Syndrome, and Leaky Gut. Whether you’re looking for a Dyslexia program or a plan for ODD, our integrated approach is designed to help your child reach their goals. Below are stories from families who have completed their time at Brain Balance of Nashville.
“I'm so excited to see what the future holds!”
“My child struggled with being too rough with friends, not listening, and would not pick up on social cues. We reached out to Brain Balance as we were looking for something that would help him eventually become a successful adult and we’re not interested in pharmacological help. With strong commitment and a drive to a successful future I am pleased to say that this program was what was needed to help my child overcome difficulties and give him the confidence to push himself. Now this child who was never interested or coordinated in sports is even enjoying athletics thanks to this program balancing out left and right hemispheres! I am so excited to see what the future holds! Thanks Brain Balance!”
~Abigail G
“Brain Balance has completely changed my son's future”
“When we began our journey, my son was in the 4th grade and struggling to keep up at school due to his learning disabilities. A 504 plan was in place, but still, he struggled. We had reached a point that he was crying every night about going to school the next day. We began counseling, tutoring, and even medication for his anxiety before we found brain balance. We spent 6 months in the program. He is now in 5th grade, just made honor roll, loves school, and needs no accommodations with his 504! His confidence in himself has grown tremendously. He is much more independent, doing his homework on his own, picking out his clothes for school, fixing himself something to eat, and overall, just being responsible and focused. Brain Balance has been the answer. His future is bright. We no longer worry about life long struggles. Brain Balance has changed his life. If you are considering this program, stop wondering and do it. It will be the best decision you ever make for your child. I am so grateful God led us here and look forward to the life my child will now have because of our time at Brian Balance.”
~Christy B
“She is more engaging [and] funny.”
“As a parent, you will do ANYTHING for your child. Period. That being said, Brain Balance was where our daughter needed to be. Dr. Robert Melillo’s “Disconnected Kids” made so much sense to us, and we found out so much more going through the Brain Balance program. The nutrition aspect truly helped us realize the gut can totally impact the brain and body functions.
Her overall spatial awareness, coordination, energy level, and proprioception have come so far. She is more engaging, funny, and excited about all aspects of learning. Why wouldn’t we try a drug free approach to help our precious daughter succeed and flourish? Brain Balance makes perfect sense!!”
“He is doing better in baseball.”
“I have to tell you, I continue to see good things and changes in Ryan. He is doing better in baseball, he offers to help bring groceries in, and although not perfect yet, he is responding to requests by the 1st and 2nd time, versus the 3rd or 4th. I am very pleased.”
“He is using bigger words.”
“When we met with Andrew’s teachers the other day for his IEP review, we were so pleased to find out that he is now on grade level for reading and math! His communication skills are getting better. He’s using bigger words and initiating conversation more at home. He is even asking to play with different kids in the neighborhood instead of sticking to one friend. We are very pleased with his progress so far.”
“Writing is tighter and more controlled.”
“I wanted you to see how Samuel’s handwriting has changed. The top portion is before Brain Balance and the bottom half is after. Neatness is not his thing, but the writing is tighter and more controlled. 🙂 Yay!”
“Brain Balance is amazing and I wish this program was available in schools.”
IV is 3 ½ years old. We first wanted to have IV tested when he was behaving out of the norm. He has a twin sister and as she became more outgoing and verbal he became more introverted and frustrated. If Adelyn was singing or talking and IV wanted to speak he would fall to the floor and cover his head.
We contacted Brain Balance of Nashville and his assessment revealed he has a sensory processing disorder. We entered a 12 week program and within a week, we saw less breakdowns at home. Within two weeks IV began enunciating long words that he would not attempt in the past. In three – four weeks he began to tell stories at the table, something only Adelyn did before.
Over the weeks, he started reading books to us in his own words, his balance and strength has improved and IV’s appetite has increased with less sensitivity to smells. We are now in his 10th week and he is advancing in areas that his sister has not yet. Brain Balance is amazing and I wished this program was available in schools because of the miraculous change we have seen in our son. Thank you Brain Balance for uncovering who we knew was there all along; our brilliant IV.”
~Thomas and Paige Richardson
Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.
1802 Williamson Ct #200
Brentwood, TN 37027
M/T/Th: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
W/F: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM