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We accept Utah Education Fits All Funds (UEFA)
Serving families across Utah with flexible program options to fit every family's needs!

Brain Balance Utah


Brain Balance Has a Non-Medical Approach to Help Your Child

Brain Balance is the leading drug-free program designed to help kids improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety, and academic performance. Our comprehensive programming incorporates learnings from cognitive, behavioral and nutrition fields—an integrated approach that is literally redefining what’s possible.

Is something blocking your child’s social, behavioral or academic progress? Brain Balance picks up where conventional approaches leave off, going beyond the treatment of symptoms to address root causes. At Brain Balance, we’re not about coping with barriers. We’re about knocking them down, one small breakthrough at a time.

Research Shows Brain Balance is Effective

A Harvard study found that kids who participated in the Brain Balance Program saw a significant reduction in ADHD index scores, discernible changes in hyperactivity, enhanced cognitive attention, and reductions in oppositional behavior.

We are continually collaborating with world class researchers to show the efficacy of the program and reveal through data how the Brain Balance Program can help children, teens and adults improve.

Find a better way forward. Complete the form to learn more.

About the Brain Balance Program®

The Brain Balance Program is made up of physical and sensorimotor exercises, academic skills training and healthy nutrition. It is tailored to the needs of your child, and delivered in a uniquely systematic approach that you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere else.

A Whole-Brain Approach

The program engages the brain and body together, through sensory engagement, physical development and academic learning activities.

Personalized to Your Child’s Challenges

The program is tailored to your child’s needs and development level, delivered with the frequency and duration needed to drive meaningful change.

1:1 Coaching & Support

Our coaches will personally guide you through the program, including evaluating progress and leveling up as your child advances.

1:1 Nutrition Sessions

A Nutrition Coach will help customize a healthy nutrition plan fit for your child's lifestyle and needs.

On-Demand Resources

You’ll have access to a Program Portal where you can view on demand helper videos, nutrition content, and program resources.

Program Format

Your child can work onsite at your local Brain Balance Center with our coaches three times per week.

NEW: Adult Program

Now more than ever we are called to be on the top of our game and function at higher levels. Whether you need a competitive edge at work, want to improve your quality of life, or long for improved or deeper connections with family and friends, the Brain Balance Program can help you get ahead.

Stories from Brain Balance Utah

"After Brain Balance Jasmine is on the right track. Now she is focused and school is no longer as hard. Her teacher said that her handwriting is one of the best in her class. She stands up in front of her class and reads her book reports. We can go on road trips now because she can sit still longer than 10 minutes without asking “are we there, yet?” She understands personal space and, because of that, she has made friends of her own age."

Jasmine – Age 10

"We have learned so much about Reichlin and how to help him from Brain Balance. He got all straight A’s and perfect scores on all of his citizenship grades this last semester. He is doing great in Gymnastics and has really engaged in our family and with his friends. We have had numerous people that have commented on how much more imaginative and involved he is when they spend time with him! We are so grateful that Brain Balance has put not only Reichlin on the right path, but our whole family."

Reichlin – Age 7

"After Brain Balance Hayden is the brilliant, happy, and sweet boy I always knew he could be. He enjoys being outdoors, riding his bike, and playing team sports, things he was unable to do before. Hayden no longer struggles to make and keep friends. He no longer struggles with obsessive or compulsive behaviors. Gone are the days we used to fight over the need for him to wear a coat when it’s winter, because now he can actually feel when he is cold. He reads social cues and understands facial expressions to know how someone else is feeling. He no longer has tantrums, or beats up on himself. He is happy and proud of who he is and no longer asks “mommy, what’s wrong with me?”"

Hayden – Age 7

"Since Brain Balance, his transformation has been incredible. He is more respectful, does his chores without it turning into a battle, is more outgoing, is friendly and is HAPPY. He and his sister now have their best-friend relationship back. His physical transformation is amazing. He has gone from the black gothic look to his own natural look. Before Brain Balance, he always had an awkward physical ability – now he can run and loves to be outdoors."

Austin – Age 14

"After talking with several parents about Brain Balance, I knew we had to try. I tell people that if my sons needed a medical operation to save their lives, I would do it no matter the cost. I viewed Brain Balance as “life saving”. I knew this program could alter the course of their lives. We had to do it! It is by far the best money we have ever spent. Having our boys back is priceless! The little boys that were trapped inside have blossomed. I no longer dread taking them somewhere and having them act up. They listen. They read social cues. They play outside! They are so much fun!"

RD – Age 11 & Nathan – Age 8

"His emotional meltdowns have all but disappeared! If he gets frustrated, he responds like any normal kid now. He doesn’t throw the big tantrum like he used to, but can better control his emotions and reactions, and now he can be reasoned with. I don’t have to worry about him breaking down randomly anymore! It is such a relief! It has made family outings more fun, and much less stressful. Most importantly, he is happier, and much more confident in himself. It is a reward beyond hope! Brain Balance has changed our boy’s life for the immeasurable better! It was a lot of work, but worth every bit!"

Andrew – Age 5

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Is there any research behind the program?

How long is the program?

Our Team


Executive Directors, Tammy and Bo Bingham

Tammy and Bo Bingham have made it their mission to help as many families as possible after the profound changes the Brain Balance program made in the lives of their two sons and family. In 2011, they made the difficult decision for Tammy and the children to move temporarily across the country so their two boys could participate in the Brain Balance program. Tammy’s husband stayed at home and worked, flying out when he could to be with the family.

Due to the great success for their sons in Brain Balance, Tammy and her Bo made arrangements to bring the miracle of Brain Balance to other families. Tammy serves as the Executive Director of the Brain Balance centers in Utah, Arizona, Oregon and Colorado. Their personal experience with the program, from the point of view of a parent, helps to ensure that through Brain Balance there is hope for every child and harmony for every family. Read more on the blog that documented their Brain Balance journey ourbrainbalancejourney.blogspot.com

"Brain Balance has changed our family forever. It is by far one of the most amazing things I have witnessed in my life.

My hope is that other families will find Brain Balance first and save themselves the pain, struggle, financial burden, marital and family stress that we and so many other families have experienced.

Because of this, we have worked to bring Brain Balance to the families of Utah so they can experience the same changes and miracles with which we have been blessed."

tammy signature

- Tammy Bingham, Executive Director



Brain Balance Centers of Utah Events

Check back in for information on our upcoming events! 


Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.

Read more about the Centers


432 W 800 N
Orem, UT 84057

10441 S Redwood Rd
South Jordan, UT 84095


Utah Valley


South Jordan



Utah Valley

M-F: 10 AM to 7 PM

South Jordan

Mon-Fri: 10:30 AM – 7:30 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
