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Brain Balance Midlothian Reviews & Testimonials


Reviews & Testimonials from Brain Balance Midlothian Families

"My concerns were immediately addressed as the staff were nothing less than extraordinary in their commitment to Wyatt and his family. Without fail, each week, Wyatt demonstrated a growing awareness for self, increased confidence, and increased pride in his accomplishments. Brain Balance was giving Wyatt what he needed. Because of the growth throughout the program, Wyatt’s ability to apply skills developed at Brain Balance has now transitioned into his Kindergarten experience." - Wyatt

" My son (Parker/4 yrs) has made significant improvements since being in the Brain Balance program! His attention span/focus has improved and his overall behavior at home & school. We also notice him being less impulsive, making more eye contact and being more regulated/being able to think ahead of his expectations/have more follow through. He is motivated to go and everyone at BB has supported him and I can’t wait to see more growth! Shout out to his coach Ms. Autumn…she’s so awesome and motivating for Parker to do his best each session!" - Parker

"Brain Balance has given him an opportunity to engage in a program that is catered to meet his needs, challenge him where he is at, and push him to be better. Fast forward to now— so much focus and attention improvement, increased fine motor skills, starting to read, doing well in math, etc. Brain Balance understands the science behind right brain/left brain and how to help each child develop the brain strength (just like any other muscle!!) to improve in basic skills as well as make big strides towards what maybe before felt like impossible." - Lincoln

"Brain Balance gave my son a WHOLE new confidence! Before he couldn’t even climb up the ladder at the playground, and now he zooms up the ladder, goes across the monkey bars, and zips down the slide without any hesitation! His sense of balance has improved 10 fold, but more importantly, his sense of self has improved so much! Forever grateful!" - Liam

"My son has excelled so much socially, intellectually, and has had a huge success with his body awareness and core strength! He has continued to show progress in school and everyday life skills. My child can dress his self, blow up a balloon, his balance and coordination have improved and his eyes are able to track objects better which is improving his learning. I would do this program over again for sure! Brain Balance truly cares for you and the child and go out do their way to make sure you are getting just that. We are family now and I so appreciate all they have done for us." - Tatum

"Overall, I have personally seen a HUGE difference in our son’s behavior. Even our 10 year old daughter commented recently that he is a “completely different kid”. His frequent meltdowns are almost non-existent now. He helps out with chores around the house now. He tells us he loves us regularly now- something he very rarely did before. He is an overall happier kid - and even had one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen a few weeks ago. That’s priceless to me. " - Oliver

"My son's academic performance was declining in Kindergarten (2022). It was constant meetings with his teacher regarding his impulsive behavior and focus. We began with our Brain Balance journey late November, have been keeping up with his home exercises and diet. As of January 2024, his teacher gave me a call and said she is very pleased with his steady progress that he has made in reading and math. She even asked "do you think BB is working?" I replied "absolutely!" We can't thank Brain Balance enough for all that they do! My son calls it the "brain gym". And his confidence has definitely grown overnight!" - Daniel

"If you’re cautiously considering Brain Balance, schedule a meeting. It’s worth it. If you’re wondering if it is all worth the commitment and money. It’s worth it. If you’re wondering if you can handle a new routine. You can and it’s worth it. Brain Balance exercises helped my child gain control so normal activities didn’t result in violent outbursts of emotion. Now we’re all happy playing Monopoly together, even when we lose. A short moment of victory, but still significant. A Brain Balance Win.” - River

“The director and staff are incredibly knowledgeable, organized and motivated to help your child improve his/ her skills! I am amazed at the level of professionalism and warmth that they show on a daily basis. My child made significant improvements with this program!” - Gabriel

“One of the best experiences my daughter has had. She's completed the program and looks forward to her follow-ups. She's happy, more communicative, understanding, and patient. She's flourished into a go-getter!” - Sophia

“My daughter has had the best experience at Brain Balance. Not only is the program working for my daughter; she enjoys it!! The staff is amazing and becomes a part of your family. For anyone considering Brain Balance for your children, give them a shot! It is an investment into the wellbeing of your children and their future. It has made all the difference for us and will forever be grateful to Brain Balance and their staff.” - Blakely

"Brain Balance has truly helped in all aspects in life, memorizing plays for football, school, hand eye coordination, and it made me more calm. It’s mainly helped me in school. Since starting Brain Balance, my grades have never been this high before. The key for it to work is consistency and wanting to do it. The coaches also treat you like family. I 100% recommend Brain Balance for anyone in need of it." - Jason

"Highly recommend Brain Balance. My son was 9 when he started the program and went 3 times per week for six months. The staff was amazing and I never felt like we were on this journey alone. The results from the beginning to the end have been tremendous for my son. Very thankful for Brain Balance!" - Cayson

"Our son has pretty significant struggles and we couldn't have even imagined how far Brain Balance would bring him. I didn't want to force him to make eye contact with people if he didn't want to, but Brain Balance showed us that he did want to, his muscles weren't strong enough to hold that contact. He does it all of the time now and you can tell he is so happy that he can!" - Burton

“We came to Brain Balance because our son was having issues focusing in the first grade and was getting easily distracted at school. Our family wanted to find a way to support our son through a natural avenue and not resorting to medication to assist with his ability to focus. Thanks to Brain Balance, key wins include: less emotional responses to transitions, increased ability to focus, improved physical coordination, increased ability to absorb information, resulting in improved grades in school!” - Palmer

"Joining Brain Balance was the best decision I made! The awesome staff at Brain Balance are there to support you all the way through and provide you with all of the tools to help you succeed. I am seeing results in my daughters' school behavior, home life, and we are able to enjoy more activities in public settings together without the fear of outburst. This program is making a huge difference not only in my daughter's life, but also in our relationship." - Serenity

"Brain Balance brought my sweet, loving son back to me. He was sleeping all day, angry, had lack of motivation, and was lethargic. It all changed when he woke up, got ready to go, and told me that he did a good job getting ready. I know that Brain Balance works - my son now is open to sharing his thoughts and feelings, he is interacting and playing with his siblings, following our families routines, and he is hugging his family members again." - Solomon

"Brain Balance has been a game changer for my family. To see my son progress has been a true blessing, and it's because of the amazing coaches, directors, etc. at BB. From the beginning they have been in our corner and always available to answer questions or just let me vent. I encourage anyone that is having issues with their child - whether it is academic, emotional, anxiety - to give Brain Balance the opportunity to change their lives for the better!" - McCoy

"How grateful we are for the loving, nurturing guidance Wendy's team at Brain Balance gave our 5 year old son! The whole body science based and healthy habit approach to progress benefited our whole family. Our child's measurable results in 8 months are remarkable and, in addition, his cooperation and willing heart are astounding. He's learned life skills and habits that have set him up for success in life socially, intellectually, physically, and emotionally." - Briggs

"We couldn’t have made a better investment in our son’s future. As my son progressed in the program, he gained strength, confidence, and new abilities. We believe wholeheartedly that the work our son has done with Brain Balance has significantly improved his physical, emotional, and learning abilities. Our family has sincere gratitude for the Brain Balance team for changing our son's life." - Niko

"When I walked into Brain Balance, I was truly lost. He was barely speaking in complete sentences, had zero focus, struggled to make friends and was getting in trouble at school. Today he's like a completely different kid. His speech has improved to the point where we can have conversations. He's making friends at school and doing great academically. Most of all, my son now gives me hugs and tells me he loves me when he couldn't before." - TJ

"I cannot sing the praises of this program loudly enough! It is NOT a quick fix - it is the exact tool we needed to make lasting changes. The staff is so knowledgeable, welcoming, friendly, and accommodating. Our child was really struggling when we began, and just a few months in, we had already begun to see marked improvement in her ability to self-regulate and communicate feelings. Her overall attitude was more positive, and she just seemed happier." - Mireya

"Brain Balance has been a game changer in our family. Our son was really struggling with anxiety and his behavior and emotions were all over the place. From his evaluation he was hooked and wanted to attend every day. It took until about week 6 to start seeing the benefits and change in behavior and attitude, but from then things just kept improving. We will forever be grateful to everyone at Brain Balance for the time they put into our family. They made it fun for our son and he is so happy with how far he has come." - Brezlun

"I can’t say enough how much this program has meant to our family. As the girls have completed the program, it’s like I have seen so many different lightbulb moments for both of them. If you asked me if we would do this again, I would without doubt tell you yes! One of the best decisions our family has made for our children." - Caroline & Audrey

"I wish that I had known about Brain Balance years ago. I always thought my daughter’s differences were just that, I didn't realize there were ways I could impact her life trajectory. Before Brain Balance she had no thought of higher education, now she dreams of College and a career she loves. Yes, her grades have improved. But to me, the improvement in her grades is such a minor part of what has improved. You just have to try it and see it to believe it." - Liliane

"Every single person we’ve interacted with has been knowledgeable, personable, helpful and genuinely interested in my son’s progress. Bottom line - they make it fun so it doesn’t feel like a chore, for parents or kids. We’ve seen significant progress in our son’s processing, body awareness, impulse control, fewer outbursts and issues at school. The Brain Balance program is paying us back ten-fold!" - Owen

"We had a great experience at Brain Balance for my teenage son. We saw so many improvements in his academic abilities. He was able to work independently and begin homework on his own without a struggle. He also became more coordinated and organized at home! We highly recommend this program!" - Arden

"Brain Balance was a huge positive change for our son! Before we started there were constant fights over homework and reading, by the time we were done there were no meltdowns over it anymore!! His teacher even said he was the only child in class to jump two levels in reading! We are so pleased with the confidence it gave him as well and would definitely recommend this program!" - Colt

"The at home exercises helped strengthen his body movement so much that he went from not catching to catching almost every football tossed to him. His eye hand coordination has gone from last in the room to notice something to being the first. In his taekwondo after school sports they have to memorize multiple forms with multiple steps and that used to be hard for him but with the help of brain balance he’s plowing through them quickly and with added confidence and finer balance and mobility. Academically he went from not passing the PALs tests to passing them and in the classroom his confidence and willingness to try has greatly improved. Even his handwriting is improving and he is able to focus more on his reading because of the eye strengthening work he’s done at Brain Balance. He feels less anxious at school and seems happier all around. Thank you Brain Balance!" - Sawyer

"Brain Balance has been a game changer for our family! Our child came in struggling to read and in 6 months she is reading at grade level. Her hand writing went from barely legible to precise letters. We are so happy and grateful for Brain Balance and the service they provide." - Laurel

"Brain Balance has been great for our child!! The staff is amazing at making our child feel comfortable and confident!! We have seen a positive change in our child through the activities and strategies that they implement as part of the program. Their open communication with parents is outstanding and I would recommend them for any child." - Ella

"Brain Balance is our family's safe space. They have helped us more than we even expected when we signed up. The program touches every part of our daughter's life and the changes have been unbelievable. Her tantrums have reduced and her ability to listen and process directions has improved. This makes the world of difference in our daily life. She has been trying new foods which has been a struggle for years. Then there is the staff.....I can't say enough. We all love them dearly because they take such good care of my special girl and her nervous mama. This program is worth every penny and we are soo happy we signed up." - Olivia

"My son was struggling in school so we reached out to Brain Balance to see if this was something we should explore to better help him. After just 5 months my child is doing much better in school and in extracurricular activities. He is far more confident than he has ever been before. He will have actual conversations where as in the past he didn’t really care much for any interaction. He pays more attention to his surroundings and even tries new things. The teachers at school have even noticed a difference in his behaviors. This program has changed our lives. Thank you Brain Balance Midlothian!" - Holden

"Our son was very angry at his past. He was adopted by us in February 2024. He is 17 and His ADHD and mild Autism was out of control. I saw an online ad for Brain Balance. We took him right away!I believe he has matured and has learned to handle situational stress. He backs down from arguing, and uses his skills to reason before engaging in verbal battles. He takes walks when needed to destress and has identified those on his own now. His physical abilities have increased. While not perfect, his report went from D's and F's to 1 D, 4 C's, and 2 B's. He is enrolled in college and completing his senior year of high school. We look forward to his completion and having a better future ahead. Thanks Brain Balance team! Smile!" - Ethan

"Brain Balance has been a game-changer for our family. While it was a financial and time commitment, it was absolutely worth it. Our son loved every session, leaving happier than when he arrived. By the fourth month, we started seeing progress at home, and by the end of the program, the transformation was incredible. His hand-eye coordination improved dramatically, especially in racket sports, and other parents even noticed the difference. The monthly reports were reassuring, showing measurable progress that kept us motivated. His self-confidence, emotional regulation, and impulse control are so much better. Home life has improved significantly—he’s much more positive, with far less negative self-talk and dark thoughts. He loved sharing what he learned, often saying, “Brain Balance is like a gym for your brain!” The staff is fantastic, and Wendy, the owner, is such a compassionate listener and guide. We were skeptical at first, but we’re so glad we stuck with it. I can’t recommend Brain Balance enough!" - Campbell

"We have had a wonderful experience with Brain Balance! The staff has been so amazing with our daughter, Jude! Her ability to focus on her school work and follow instructions have both improved tremendously. She absolutely loves going to BB and will be so sad when her sessions end. We love our friends at Brain Balance!" - Jude

"When my little started Kindergarten back in August, things quickly took a turn in a direction I would have never expected! My sweet boy was struggling to find his place, constantly getting in trouble. I felt that he was labeled as the “misbehaved” child. Brain Balance has made it possible for my child to be successful in his day to day activities. The tools he has learned and growth he has shown wouldn’t have happened without the support from Brain Balance! We couldn’t be more thankful for the amazing staff and program. If you thought about enrolling your child, just do it, you will not regret it!" - Zander

“Brain Balance has been a wonderful experience for our 7 year old son. We are only half way through the program and we are already seeing positive improvements in his social/emotional behaviors. His teachers at school have noticed a difference too! We are very thankful for Brain Balance and all of their wonderful staff members!” - Jackson

“Mikey started brain-balance 5 months ago, doctor’s wanted to put him on ADHD medication for his focus. I researched everything to see what I can do not to have to medicate my boy. I found this program called Brain Balance and this has been a miracle. Before Mikey started it was a challenge with him staying on track, he wasn’t learning at his age level, his grades were in the 40’s to 60’s. If he wasn’t interested in it, he didn’t have that focus to learn it. But, he is a very smart boy. Since then, he has been working hard and meeting his challenges. It’s changing his whole learning process. I got his report card and his grades show it!!!! They range from 68 to 87. I am so proud of how much he has accomplished and how he is going to keep accomplishing his goals!! Being at Brain Balance has been a wonderful experience and the staff is so welcoming. We love it here!” - Mikey

“We are beyond thrilled with the progress our son has made after completing 6 months at Brain Balance. The improvements we've seen, especially in his school grades, have been remarkable. Not only has his academic performance improved, but we've also noticed a consistent focus in both his schoolwork and extracurricular activities. What truly stood out to us is how excited our son was to attend Brain Balance each week. The program gave him a sense of confidence and pride in the work he was doing, and it was wonderful to watch him thrive in such a supportive environment. The staff and teachers at Brain Balance are incredibly friendly, welcoming, and dedicated to treating every child with care and attention. The program also provided valuable resources and support, especially when it came to adjusting our son's diet and nutritional needs, which made a big difference in his overall development. We are so grateful to have found Brain Balance, and it has far exceeded our expectations. It’s been a positive and life-changing experience for our son, and we couldn’t be happier with the results!” - Langston

“Even though we live 2 hours from Midlothian (the closest center to us), we drove up there weekly and administered the exercise program from home 4 days a week. We removed gluten and dairy from our daughter’s diet and started seeing results in a couple of months. Where countless therapists, a year of SSRI meds, and ‘conventional’ medicine failed our daughter, Brain Balance came to the rescue and gave us back our smiling and happy little girl. Once plagued with daily migraines, it’s rare to hear that word anymore. Her daily severe anxiety is culled to typical anxious moments we all get from time to time. In just about every measurable instance, she has made a miraculous turnaround. To say we are grateful is an understatement. We still have some things to resolve - mostly the primitive reflex of fight/flight, and the road definitely wasn’t easy to get here, but the results are nothing short of astonishing. To all the staff of the Midlothian Brain Balance Center, we extend our utmost gratitude! They are so kind and caring, professional to the core, and you can tell they love what they do. We highly recommend Brain Balance to any struggling family!” - Lia


Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.


15701 City View Drive
Midlothian, VA 23113




Monday 11:30am-8pm
Tuesday 9am-6:30pm
Wednesday 11:30am-8pm
Thursday 9am-6:30pm
Friday 11:30am-8pm