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Brain Balance Fox Valley


Brain Balance Has a Non-Medical Approach to Help Your Child

Brain Balance is the leading drug-free program designed to help kids improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety, and academic performance. Our comprehensive programming incorporates learnings from cognitive, behavioral and nutrition fields—an integrated approach that is literally redefining what’s possible.

Is something blocking your child’s social, behavioral or academic progress? Brain Balance picks up where conventional approaches leave off, going beyond the treatment of symptoms to address root causes. At Brain Balance, we’re not about coping with barriers. We’re about knocking them down, one small breakthrough at a time.

What our Clients Say

Research Shows Brain Balance is Effective

A Harvard study found that kids who participated in the Brain Balance Program saw a significant reduction in ADHD index scores, discernible changes in hyperactivity, enhanced cognitive attention, and reductions in oppositional behavior.

We are continually collaborating with world class researchers to show the efficacy of the program and reveal through data how the Brain Balance Program can help children, teens and adults improve.

Find a better way forward. Complete the form to learn more.

About the Brain Balance Program®

The Brain Balance Program is made up of physical and sensorimotor exercises, academic skills training and healthy nutrition. It is tailored to the needs of your child, and delivered in a uniquely systematic approach that you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere else.

A Whole-Brain Approach

The program engages the brain and body together, through sensory engagement, physical development and academic learning activities.

Personalized to Your Child’s Challenges

The program is tailored to your child’s needs and development level, delivered with the frequency and duration needed to drive meaningful change.

1:1 Coaching & Support

Our coaches will personally guide you through the program, including evaluating progress and leveling up as your child advances.

1:1 Nutrition Sessions

A Nutrition Coach will help customize a healthy nutrition plan fit for your child's lifestyle and needs.

On-Demand Resources

You’ll have access to a Program Portal where you can view on demand helper videos, nutrition content, and program resources.

Program Format

Your child can work onsite at your local Brain Balance Center with our coaches three times per week.

Stories from Brain Balance Center of Fox Valley

Check back for stories from local families.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Is there any research behind the program?

How long is the program?

Our Team

Lynn and Jason 2021
Lynn & Jason Brittnacher

Owners/Executive Directors

The past five years of Lynn and Jason’s family’s life were filled with health challenges that seemed insurmountable. Leaning on God through these times allowed them to come out on the other side, stronger and more blessed than they could have ever imagined. With grateful hearts, they turned their eyes upward and asked, “What is your plan for us God? We are here to serve.” God answered them with an overwhelming need to use their talents to help individuals who struggle.

Kristie Blauert
Kristie Blauert

Center Director

Our Center Director, Kristie Blauert, is a Board Certified Cognition Specialist. She has her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology from Saint Norbert College in De Pere, WI. After college, Kristie started working at an in-home ABA Autism Program in the Fox Valley. She worked for the program for two years as a Behavior Treatment Technician and eight years as a Behavior Treatment Therapist. During the ten years she gained experience working with children between the ages of 2-19 with Autism, ADHD, ODD/IED, and Anxiety. Kristie is proud to be an advocate for families and individuals and understands that each person is unique. Kristie's experience and heart for children make her a valuable member of our team.

Jennifer Fischer compressed
Jennifer Fischer

Program Director

Jennifer Fischer is the Program Director. Jen worked as a Behavior Technician working with children through the ABA therapy program. In 2015 she graduated from Fox Valley Technical College with a degree as a Occupational Therapy Assistant. For the past 6 years, Jen has pursued the medical field working with adult and geriatric populations providing skilled therapy. The focus of her work was physical and cognitive progression through evidence-based, therapeutic treatments to promote quality of life and independence with activities of daily living. The Brain Balance program focuses on engagement of the brain and body working together, which immediately caught her attention with her background in Occupational Therapy. Since joining our staff she just had to learn so much more. She loves that at Brain Balance we dive into looking at the root cause of the challenges the kids in the program face in their day to day life. She also loves the emphasis on a holistic, non medical intervention for kids, which is so unique and truly beneficial to support them academically, socially, behaviorally and emotionally while they continue to develop into their adult years! Jen is excited to be a part of the team bringing the Brain Balance Program to the Fox Valley area and to again be working with children and their families. As Program Director, she will help them achieve growth with their goals and show them their capabilities are endless in our program!

Hayley_Fox Valley
Hayley Verbeten

Program Director

Hayley Verbeten, one of our Program Directors, graduated from UW-Green Bay with her Bachelors of Science in Psychology and a minor in Education. After graduating, Hayley had a plan to pursue her Educational Specialist (EdS) in School Psychology Degree, but God had a different plan when she was introduced to Brain Balance. She has always had a passion for the non-medical, “find-the-root-cause,” approach to helping children and fell in love with Brain Balance’s whole-brain approach! During college, Hayley was involved in human development and neuropsychology through internships and research. She worked with many children ranging in age from infant all the way into adulthood to study natural human development. When Brain Balance was introduced to her she said “If I were to describe my dream job, this would be it…and I didn’t even know it existed!” Outside of Brain Balance, you can always find Hayley with her fiance doing some hiking, reading, hanging out with their dogs, horseback riding, at rodeos, or exploring new Wisconsin landscapes (especially at their family cabin in Townsend)! Hayley is excited to be part of the Brain Balance of Fox Valley team and use her background in human development to help children reach all of their developmental milestones!

About The Brain Balance Center of Fox Valley

Brain Balance of Fox Valley is located at 1403 Arbor Way, Kaukauna WI. Located right off of 41 so we can service families in the Green Bay and Appleton areas. When we started on this journey 2.5 years ago our plan was to buy the center in Mequon and move it to our home community. One thing we have found is our timing is not God’s timing. His plan is always bigger and filled with blessings if we are patient enough to let him lead. We have been blessed with an amazing staff at our Mequon Center which is allowing Jason and I to remove ourselves from the day to day in Mequon and work a little closer to home. I will still be in Mequon a couple times a month, however our staff is so solid it allows me to focus most of my attention on our Fox Valley Center.  ~ Lynn Brittnacher~

Fox Valley Opening 1
Fox Valley Opening 3
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Career Opportunities

Join our Brain Balance team! View our current open positions and contact us for more information.


Webinar Events

Every month we offer a free webinar on a common struggle that children and young adults across the country may experience. Each of these webinars offers information, actionable strategies for change, as well as a deeper understanding of WHY these challenges are happening and how to address the root cause.
Register Now.




Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.

Read more about the Center


1403 Arbor Way

Kaukauna, WI 54103




Mon-Fri 8am-8pm
Saturday 8am-2pm
