Making Breakthroughs Possible™
Breakthroughs are what we do.
Is something keeping your child from reaching their potential? Brain Balance is a game-changing approach to helping kids improve focus, behavior, and academics. At Brain Balance, we’re not about coping with barriers. We’re about knocking them down, one small breakthrough at a time.
How Does it Work?
The Brain Balance Program is designed to strengthen the information pathways in the brain, with an integrated program that exercises both the brain and body. The new, efficient and effective pathways in the brain help improve our ability to complete cognitive tasks (like focus, memory, comprehension and reasoning) and in our executive functioning (behaviors, emotions, organization, motivation, and problem solving).
Brain Balance has drawn from years of research to develop a program that focuses on improving the foundation of development and brain connectivity, rather than masking symptoms or coping with them for life.
Every Breakthrough Matters
Brain Balance has helped more than 50,000 individuals reach their true potential. We understand what you are going through, and we can help you restore balance for your child and your family.
Fill out the form or call us today to learn about how we can help your child and your family.
Learn more about Brain Balance today.
"After Brain Balance Jasmine is on the right track. Now she is focused and school is no longer as hard. Her teacher said that her handwriting is one of the best in her class. She stands up in front of her class and reads her book reports. We can go on road trips now because she can sit still longer than 10 minutes without asking “are we there, yet?” She understands personal space and, because of that, she has made friends of her own age."
Jasmine – Age 10
"We have learned so much about Reichlin and how to help him from Brain Balance. He got all straight A’s and perfect scores on all of his citizenship grades this last semester. He is doing great in Gymnastics and has really engaged in our family and with his friends. We have had numerous people that have commented on how much more imaginative and involved he is when they spend time with him! We are so grateful that Brain Balance has put not only Reichlin on the right path, but our whole family. – Jillian Bates, Parent Advocate"
Reichlin – Age 7
"After Brain Balance Hayden is the brilliant, happy, and sweet boy I always knew he could be. He enjoys being outdoors, riding his bike, and playing team sports, things he was unable to do before. Hayden no longer struggles to make and keep friends. He no longer struggles with obsessive or compulsive behaviors. Gone are the days we used to fight over the need for him to wear a coat when it’s winter, because now he can actually feel when he is cold. He reads social cues and understands facial expressions to know how someone else is feeling. He no longer has tantrums, or beats up on himself. He is happy and proud of who he is and no longer asks, 'Mommy, what’s wrong with me?'"
Hayden – Age 7