Success Stories
There is nothing more important than hearing what a parent has to say about Brain Balance from their perspective. The testimonials that follow are all real stories and results that parents have seen in their children after completing the Brain Balance Program.
testimonial software by Endorsal
Your Child Can Improve. See What Other Parents Say.
Parents surveyed before and after their child completed 5-6 months of the Brain Balance Program reported an average of 40-60% improvement in their children in the overall happiness, emotional functioning, social confidence, behavior, anxiety and ability to retain academic information:1
Testimonials from Brain Balance Families

Brody, 13
The biggest thing is that it’s the answer to what’s actually going on with your child. It’s the best decision we ever made.
- Behavioral Disorders

Brooke, 18
Brooke’s Brain Balance reading entrance test placed her at a fifth-grade level, and by the time she finished, she was at a twelfth-grade level. It really inspired her and made college seem possible. She became more energetic, more focused. She even felt smarter.
- Dyslexia
- Auditory processing issues

Brookelyn, 5
The one-on-one attention was definitely what Brookelyn needed. She started calling Brain Balance her brain gym. She loved it.
- Impulsiveness

Collin, 15
The bravery he has now, he never had before. He’s gone beyond what I’d hoped for him. Collin is doing what he’s dreamt of. Now, he knows the sky is the limit.
- Anxiety
- Shyness
- Lack of focus

Cooper, 8
When he couldn’t do something, it was like a complete meltdown. He’d stutter over words because his brain knew what he wanted to say but his expressive language just wasn’t there. Now, the thoughts and the flows are so much smoother.
- Sensory Processing Disorder

David, 5
While we were going through it, the extended family got to see him blossom. The child that entered the program during the summer and the one that finished at the end of December were 2 different children. It was just night and day. The people who knew him best, his family, got to watch him grow and change during this time. And it was quite spectacular.
- Behavioral issues

DJ, 8
He’s able to do many things himself now, and it’s unbelievable. The homework experience is so much more pleasant. I pretty much now can say okay, why don’t you work on your math on the computer. He goes to a computer. He completes the problems. He’s doing it.
- academic struggles

Ella, 8
Mary, her resource teacher, stopped me. She said, “Marnee, I just have to tell you that Ella is doing phenomenally well. She is turning in her assignments. She’s remembering things. She’s advocating for herself.

Emily, 10
I felt like they cared about us. They cared about our daughter. They cared about how we were doing. They cared about our success. The director would be in the waiting room asking how things were going. It felt like a family that was helping us through something.

Hayden, 7
Everything is covered under one umbrella when we go to Brain Balance. You’re changing things from the bottom up instead of trying to work just on their symptoms. By starting there, your child makes changes that are lasting and continue to grow.
- Autism
- Trouble with speech
- Auditory processing issues
- Focus issues

Jadin, 10
He’s not as grumpy anymore. He’s not as frustrated with his homework. What used to take an hour and a half to two hours with his homework now only takes maybe forty-five minutes to do his homework.
- Dyslexia
- Visual Processing Disorder

Lola, 10
Before Brain Balance, I felt like I was yelling all the time, you know, “Get ready for school,” “Eat your breakfast,” you know, “Brush your teeth.” I just felt like I was yelling all the time. I don’t feel like that anymore. I’m able to give her direction, and she’s following it. We’re working together much better as a team.

Smyth & Dawson, 10
One area is simply processing speed. They’re able to take in information, process it, and respond appropriately. Now Dawson and Smyth can do so at a much faster pace, facilitating better decision-making.
- Auditory processing issues
- Global delay

A.J., 15
I asked A.J. what it felt like with his new balanced brain and he says, “Mom, I feel crisp. We are still all-in!
- High-functioning autism
- Compulsiveness
- Learning delays

Adysen, 7
I would recommend Brain Balance for sure just because for me not only does it seem to have helped her really quickly but it’s fun for her. It’s not like, “Oh, I have to go to Brian Balance today.” It’s like, “Oh, it’s a Brain Balance day!”
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Autism

Aiden, 8
It’s a completely different life. He is back to not only being a little boy that’s not longer afflicted with a neurological disorder, but he’s also surpassed that. He’s just growing every day by leaps and bounds, it’s amazing.
- Tourette's Ticks
- Behavioral Disorders

AJ, 9
I was very skeptical at the beginning. I did not necessarily believe some of the stuff in the procedures, but after seeing how it worked for AJ and seeing how he has changed, and he has matured, and started to take ownership of himself and his body and time and space. I think it’s really beneficial.
- impulsivity

Alec, 12
Now I have to think back and remember how hard it was because things are so good now that I just forget. We changed. Our kids changed. Life is really amazing now.
- Clumsiness
- Trouble making friends

Alex, 9
I met with his teachers at school and they needed to do a reevaluation for his IEP. It just kept saying, “This IEP looks like it’s written for someone other than Alex. This has no relation to Alex, who he is today.” We did the whole reevaluation and assessment. He went from having about 20 interventions and the combinations on his IEP to now having 4.
- Autism

Anna, 10
I don’t want to pump my kid full of meds. I want to be able to enjoy the personality, and who knows what that does to a child over the long run. If anybody can resonate with my story and then they know where to get help, my job is complete right there.
- Anxiety

Annelise, 9
Her relationships with her father and siblings are exponentially better because Annelise is able to control herself. Now she’s able to go with the flow, and I actually think that she’s my easiest kid.
- impulsivity
- Anxiety

Arielle, 4
We now have a very happy daughter who has confidence, can reason, can react to good or bad situations in a balanced way, is stronger physically, is making new friends, and is accomplishing big steps forward academically with a very strong willingness to learn…she has the ability to achieve her full potential!
- Anxiety
- Hypersensitivity

Beck, 10
The success that my son received because of Brain Balance is phenomenal. There are no words to describe it. From a kid who went from being expelled from school, almost, to a child who was graduating eighth grade, as the valedictorian of his class.
- Behavior issues
- Behavioral issues

Ben, 13
Life isn’t perfect, but I cannot imagine where we would be if we hadn’t gone through that. I kind of felt we were at our wit’s end because we had tried medicine. We tried OT. We would only get incremental, tiny little steps. This was a big jump forward for us.
- working memory
- attention issues

Brandon, 12
You just have to trust in yourself and the program because it really and truly does work. We’ve lived it. We’ve been there. We know it works. You have to give your child that opportunity to thrive.
- Trouble making friends
- Information processing delay
- Inability to focus

Brianna, 12
Honestly, every penny has been worth it because of the change in her. My daughter is reading independently. In this time period that we’ve been here, she’s jumped up multiple grade levels in reading. Her math is stronger. There’s just confidence now.
- Dyslexia

Caleb, 16
Caleb loved Brain Balance. I would ask him after his session if he was tired and he would say, “No, I love it. I was tired when I went in, but I feel so energized now and my brain feels alive!” He felt so good, physically and mentally, with everything that he did at Brain Balance.
- Behavior issues
- LD/Attention
- Distraction

Camden, 11
Right away, his teacher said to us, “He started raising his hand. He really wanted to read out loud in class.” When she told me that, I still cry.
- Dyslexia
- reading struggles

Carson, 4
I wouldn’t travel as far as I do unless we were getting results, and we are. Carson is so much better with his behavior and ability to control himself. It’s hard to believe how significant the changes are in a short period of time. It’s also hard to believe that this type of testing uncovered things we needed to know, and without medication, we can see these kinds of positive results.
- Temper tantrums
- Food intolerances

Carsyn, 9
Carsyn’s improvement reached a point where she got past all the terrible tantrums and was able to interact positively in our family. I could go on and on about the many changes that we saw in our kids. Brain Balance helped our family succeed.
- Fine motor skill delay

Carter, 12
Although Carter is still currently in Brain Balance, he has shown dramatic improvement in impulse control, emotional regulation, and socialization.
- impulsivity

Casey, 9
He’s in third grade and sometimes his expression is difficult for him, but he said, “Brain Balance changed my life.” He said, “I can do so many things now that I couldn’t do before.”
- Auditory processing issues
- Asperger Syndrome (ASD)

Charlotte, 8
We noticed so many different things as soon as we started Brain Balance. Almost instantaneously and we started to notice changes with her and it kept getting better, and better, and better.
- Lack of focus

Christian, 9
It’s something that you have to work on, just like how I’m a runner and I have to keep practicing to improve. I think we’ll always have to be doing a lot of those exercises to keep that side of his brain strong. It’s something that I just think is really important for him and was beneficial for him, physically and mentally.
- Fine and gross motor delay
- Anger issues
- Impatience

Christian, 6
I know what Brain Balance did for my son. Anyone who’s not willing to try it is crazy. We were skeptical and we were scared. It’s a lot of money. We have four kids. Spending so much on one is difficult. It’s difficult. But we knew we saw the changes. We know the changes. Christian’s a better kid.
- Behavior issues
- Lack of focus

Cleveland, 9
Homework was something that was horribly dreaded in my home. It was like the black plague. It was horrible. He would throw fits. He would do one problem and be done and throw a fit about it. Now, he comes home and he does his work.

Cooper, 12
As parents, it’s our responsibility to help our children succeed to the best of their ability by lessening daily struggles and challenges. Brain Balance helped us do that. Together with Brain Balance, we formed a partnership to help Cooper succeed and to help our family succeed.
- Fine motor skill delay

Danica, 5
Would I recommend Brain Balance? A thousand percent because we would not be where we are. I would have the safety issues. That’s my main thing.
- Sensory Meltdowns

Drake, 11
We’re in fifth grade now. We’re a year away from it. We’ve just made amazing strides. He’s still not on grade level, but he is testing at a fourth-grade level. We’re a year behind instead of three years behind. His confidence is back up. He thinks he can. He knows he can.
- reading struggles

Ella, 8
In June we have a little girl, and in September after a summer in Brain Balance, it’s like we had the best parts of her delivered back to us and someone took away the unexplainable.
- Dyslexia

Emily, 10
The self-confidence that Emily has developed is a direct result of the work she did through the Brain Balance program. It has been a wonderful and significant change for her, and for our family.
- Dyslexia

Emily, 18
I couldn’t be more grateful to the Brain Balance program for helping me achieve not only my academic goals but to feel more empowered and confident in everyday life.
- Learning Disorders

Ethan, 12
Brain Balance, they really make it a point to really emphasize the positives. They realize that there’s a whole human being in there that’s struggling to get out, and they treat them like a whole human being.
- Dyslexia

Eva, 4
The staff at Brain Balance truly love the children they work with and pour themselves into the kids. I will forever be thankful for the work they did that caused us all to fall in love all over again with a little girl we always knew was there, just waiting to come out.
- Autism
- Fine motor skill delay
- Lack of focus

Evan, 10
His personality did a full circle. He’s more present, and he’s a lot more confident now.

Everett, 4
Find out more about the Brain Balance Program, and never give up…there is hope and there is a Brain Balance Center out there that cares.
- Emotional development delay
- Fine motor skill delay

Gavin, 10
Gavin’s change was so powerful we decided to join the Brain Balance family and move to Texas to open 3 centers as owners.
- Emotional meltdowns

Gavin, 10
He went for the first three months and he had made such great progress. We hated to stop because he still had some areas for improvement, so we went ahead and did the second three months. It was fantastic. It was a wonderful experience and I’ve told a lot of people about it.
- Behavior issues

Hudson, 4
Even though the program is expensive, it’s worth it. It’s so beyond worth it in the long run because the changes you will see are just tremendous and it just gave us hope. From the very first few times we went, we knew there was hope, we knew there was hope that Hudson would have a really bright future and things would be better and change. It’s just wonderful.
- Autism
- Trouble with speech

Hunter, 4
Within months I could hug Hunter and he told me he loved me. To hear I love you for the first time from your child is amazing. I never thought he would be that person.
- Sensory issues

Ian, 7
We were truly blessed to have found the Brain Balance family and know it was the perfect decision for my son and our family!
- Impulsiveness
- Lack of focus
- Tantrums

Jack, 13
Prior to coming to Brain Balance, he was oblivious to everything. You could almost talk about him right in front of him and he had no idea or would never even acknowledge that you were talking about him. Now … Oh, my gosh. He doesn’t miss a beat. He’s so engaged.
- Autism
- Anxiety

Jackson, 9
This is not just a tutoring center. As Jeff said, it doesn’t just put a Band-Aid over it. It fixes it. It has a wide range of situations that come into the door that walk out with benefits that last a lifetime.
- reading struggles

Jackson, 10
For the first time, a boy in the neighborhood asked if my son could come out and play. I had to tell him that Jackson was not home because he was playing at a different friend’s house. I almost started to cry I was so happy. He’s invited to birthday parties now. It’s wonderful to see him laughing.

Jackson, 9
From the first visit, it was amazing how we were welcomed and shown around. Every question was answered. Brain Balance made us feel accepted, like family. Jackson always felt that he wasn’t liked. But once we started going to Brain Balance, he began to open up and realize that people actually did like him. It was a very encouraging experience for him.
- Lack of focus

Jackson, 9
At Brain Balance, they’re almost wizards. It’s hard to explain, but like wizards, they correct the problem. They get to the root source. They don’t medicate your kid. It’s all through fun exercises and a well-balanced diet. Your kid gets better. You can’t complain about that.
- Behavioral Disorders

Jackson, 10
I feel like it’s the best decision we ever made and I feel like, who cares about the money because it was the best decision. I feel like there’s not an area that he didn’t improve in and I mean, it shows it on the testing.
- Learning Disorders

Jacob, 9
Most of our lives were spent trying to help Jacob, taking him from therapist to therapist and working with different professionals. Now, life is so different and so much better. Jacob has become very expressive. We have two-way conversations, and he shares thoughts about the world and the people around him. Brain Balance opened up a world of possibilities for us.
- Autism
- Hypersensitivity

Jacob, 9
The difference between the beginning of third grade and the end of third grade after Brain Balance, he wasn’t having his outbursts, his emotional outbursts over minor things. In fourth grade, I have not had any teacher tell me he can’t sit still. No outbursts at all.

Jake, 9
Other people don’t necessarily see the potential in our child’s heart and their heart matters. Brain Balance could see beyond the behaviors and struggles he had. They could see that our child had good inside of him and that there were options for him.
- Impulse control

James, 17
He was able to calm himself down. He became aware of what the anxiety was doing to him. He actually changed his goal in life.
- Anxiety

Jeremiah, 8
He was getting failing grades and we never wanted to make a big deal about it, but even in the program during Brain Balance, he started bringing home A’s, and then he’s had 100%. He never got those type of grades before and he felt so much more confident getting those grades.

Jimmy, 11
The coach loves him. He’s like, “He’s a great kid. He comes out here, and he plays, and he practices, and he’s always smiling. He’s never crying.” He said, “I’ve got kids that cry out here.” He’s so happy to have Jimmy play on the team.
- impulsivity

Jimmy, 12
After we got through it and we saw some changes and then we saw more changes, and they’re subtle, they’re not all at once but as a parent you have a kid that has these types of issues, any little bit is…it could make you go from not going to a play before now you can go as a whole family to a play. I mean, how do you measure that? Just going to a hockey game. Normal stuff like that, he can go do normal stuff now and be part of the world.

Joe, 18
“I feel that Brain Balance has helped me in reading comprehension which any college student can tell you is an essential skill. It has helped me open up more with others which has aided me in creating many great new friendships in classes.”

Joey, 8
The bus driver tried to drop Joey off at home one day instead of daycare. Joey didn’t get off the bus. We owe Brain Balance for Joey’s life because he would’ve gotten off that bus that day and gotten lost if he wasn’t going to Brain Balance.
- Autism

John Michael, 6
We have recommended it to other parents. We absolutely have. I think that people that know us and knew John Michael beforehand would absolutely say there was a big difference and could see the change in him.
- Behavior issues
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- attention issues

Jordan, 12
After the program started and after we were able to sit the kids down and really explain to them exactly how Jordan’s mind actually works, and then as he also went through the program and learned and realized how his mind actually works for himself, it was able to definitely bring them together and be able to communicate.
- Behavioral issues

Julian, 14
To go totally off the medicine is phenomenal. I would tell them, yeah, if you want your child off chemicals and off the medicine I would recommend definitely Brain Balance for that.
- Lack of focus

Justin, 4
Maybe because I live in a small, rural town that’s 100 miles away from a Brain Balance Center, people seem resistant to the idea of traveling that far for help. I think that if Brain Balance was very close to us, it would be more accepted. Since others heard that I had to drive 100 miles each way 3 times a week, many people said, “Oh, Angela, I just don’t know if I can do that.” I would say, “I know, it’s hard, but it’s worth it.
- Tourette's Ticks
- Impulsiveness

Kenney, 6
It’s not a quick fix. It takes hard work, but if you put the time and effort into it, it helps your child for the rest of their life.
- Sensory Processing Disorder

Kinsey, 10
I would say that it’s a life-changing experience and that our family now has peace with Kinsey’s learning disorders and disabilities. It’s not such a battle anymore.
- Behavioral issues
- academic struggles
- Auditory processing issues

Laci, 10
Laci’s teacher said that she would come into the classroom and just stand there and they’d have to prompt her and say, “Okay, Laci do this and do that.” After Brain Balance, the teacher said Laci just comes in and does exactly what she’s supposed to do. They don’t have to tell Laci to do everything.
- Motor skill delay
- Lack of confidence

Landon, 9
Now I feel like we can be in public and we can do things just as a normal family. We can do things within our own family. Like I said, Christmas and holidays and things when we’re with our extended family, he’s able to hang out with the other kids
- Behavioral Disorders

Layne, 4
I was worried when we stopped going to the Brain Balance Center that the improvements would stop, but they haven’t. I have thankfully been surprised that this wasn’t the case. We’re still seeing improvement even though we’re not at the center three times a week. That was huge for me.
- Impulsiveness

LeAnne, 8
Just go in there with an open mind because this is a totally different focus than what you’re going to get from anybody else. It’s not traditional. It’s focusing on the issue, not covering up the issue. It’s focusing on how to live with the issue and to make it a success, and not a failure.

Lincoln, 6
I don’t know what the end is going to be like because I haven’t gotten there yet. All I know that what we’ve done so far in Brain Balance has been worth every single penny and we are only two months in.
- Behavioral Disorders
- Anxiety

Louie, 7
One of the greatest things that I learned through my Brain Balance experience was that my child’s perception of reality was not my perception. Once we really got a sense of how he saw the world, how his brain was functioning, we were able to meet him there. I knew in my heart that this program was going to help him and that Brain Balance really was the answer.
- Hypersensitivity
- Academic struggle

Luke, 9
He walks in the door at Brain Balance, he loves the staff there. They love him. They have become like family. They’re so welcoming and hospitable. He absolutely loves going. He has never once said, “I don’t want to go.”

Luke, 7
Absolutely I would recommend it. I really would. I know lots of parents that have ADHD kids, kids with dyslexia, kids with high anxiety, bed wetting, all the things that Luke had had. I keep telling them, “Go on the website. Take the little evaluation. Talk to somebody. It may be an option, maybe not. If it’s not, that’s one step closer to finding a solution.
- Behavioral issues

Luke, 9
What was awesome is we felt that support from Brain Balance. If I ever had a question or, “Hey, I can’t do this. Can you get me a modification,” somebody was always there to answer my question which was awesome. It didn’t take them a week. It didn’t take them two days. They were usually really on top of it.
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Autism

Mabel, 7
We’ve been living this for 3 or 4 years at this point and what we owe Dr. Melillo, and this has always been the biggest thing, we owe him, and we owe Megan, and we owe Talitha, and we owe Brain Balance as a whole, we owe them our family.
- reading struggles

Madison, 10
She is experiencing life now that she wasn’t able to do because so many things roadblocked her. I would absolutely recommend it and have.
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Anxiety

Maranda, 16
Everybody around her, everyone that knows her, they just rave about the change in her, how she went from being this shy, withdrawn, little kid to a beautiful, young lady that has a smile on her face all the time, can actually hold a conversation and you can tell just enjoys life, and that’s something you have never seen out of her. She just never enjoyed life at all, she was just so depressed, and this program brought her out of that.

Marcello, 14
I got feedback from our math teacher that said, “I have to admit when you first told me about it, I thought a huge waste of money, waste of time,” and she said, “I’m very sorry because I saw it personally work first hand.”

Mark, 9
Brain Balance has a little store that Mark could earn rewards from. The staff worked with us to see what interested him and brought in things that he liked. It made him very happy, and it was special to me that they did that for Mark to encourage him.
- Dyslexia
- Lack of focus

Mason, 6
One of the most exciting moments happened when we were driving home from somewhere far. I let the kids watch a movie, and there was a sad part. Mason was sitting in the back sniffling. I looked at him and said, “Oh my goodness, are you okay?” He said, “This is so sad. Mom, something’s happening to my eyes. Like my tears are coming.” Mason was developing emotion.
- High-functioning autism
- Temperamental behavior

Matthew, 15
The big thing for us as a family is that he doesn’t have meltdowns like he used to, where something as simple as an upside-down hamburger bun would send him into a meltdown, and ruin his night and our night. He likes food now, so if it’s upside down he’ll correct it. He’ll eat it without crying.

Matthew, 12
To anybody considering the program, I would strongly recommend undertaking it. The commitment needed is considerable; the outcomes achieved were beyond our expectations.

Megan, 4
For the new school year, I did not mention that Megan had been to Brain Balance because the school does an evaluation to see if children need supplemental services. I called and asked if Megan had her assessment yet. They replied, “Oh, yes, she’s fine, she didn’t need anything. Megan’s no longer testing in the ADHD range.” Megan’s life completely changed in the span of 12 weeks. It was a 180-degree change for her.
- Sensory issues
- Aggressiveness
- Speech delay

Noah, 11
The three months that ensued required a tremendous commitment from us as a collective family unit. It brought us very close together as a mom, dad, and son. Following the three months, we proved that we could accomplish anything we put our minds to!
- Lack of focus
- Verbal tics
- Disruptive behavior

Olivia, 11
Olivia’s confidence level is unreal compared to where she was before. She attempts things that she wouldn’t have considered before. Olivia is much more willing to jump out there and not be on the sidelines.

R.D., 12
Brain Balance was the hardest, yet the most rewarding thing we’ve ever done. R.D.’s self-esteem is greatly improved. He’s able to live his life, make friends and deal with life’s troubles better.
- Trouble making friends
- Behavioral issues

Riggin, 7
At the end of the day, there’s one big thing that I failed to mention. He’s happy. Before you didn’t see him smile, you didn’t see him laugh. Now you hear him giggle, and skip, and sing. He’s such a happy kid all the time now. He really is.
- Anxiety

Riley, 10
We don’t have the arguments anymore either. He sits down at night, does his homework and we’re done in 20 minutes, which is a huge amount of time back onto our family.

Rowdy, 9
Right off the bat, we saw some differences in him and were excited, and then we’d hit a regression and I’m like, “I don’t know if we’re going to make it through this”, but with the Brain Balance organization I had a support system.
- Sensory Processing Disorder

Ryan, 8
Even while we were in the Brain Balance program I insisted that he maintain physical, occupational speech, and any other therapies. What I noticed after he completed the program was that those therapies were no longer necessary.
- Autism

Ryan, 10
Within the first week of starting the program, Ryan wasn’t as revved up. Three weeks in, he started having conversations and reading facial expressions. He started to stay focused and developed fine motor skills. We’re happy because we saw him starting to enjoy things. He’s been able to make friends. Ryan changed into an entirely different person, the person he can be.
- Fine motor skill delay

Savannah, 11
Brain Balance told us that Savannah didn’t need her glasses anymore. I took Savannah back to the vision therapy office. They re-tested her and she was perfectly normal. The vision therapist asked me, “How? Tell me what you did?” So I gave them information about Brain Balance and they said, “We’re going to send people there. It’s amazing that she doesn’t need glasses anymore.
- Anxiety
- Lack of self-confidence
- Depression

Sean, 15
I would say to parents, “Listen to your instincts. You know your child better than anyone else.” Understand the issues you see are interrelated; they do not exist independently. This isn’t just about your child suddenly focusing better, it’s about your child learning to focus better, balance better, and get stronger.
- Fine motor skill delay
- Dysgraphia
- sensory integration disorder

Sean, 5
He’s come a long way. We have to remind ourselves about the things that he could not do a year and a half ago that he can do now. Yes, we’ve accomplished a lot. We’ve overcome a lot of things. We still have our little things that he still doesn’t like, but for the majority, I think that it’s helped him a lot.
- Sensory issues
- Separation anxiety
- Sleep disorder
- Emotional issues

Seth, 7
Seth continues to make progress with his awareness. He has awareness now that he never had before. The doors have been opened in his brain. He’s able to walk through and see things that he’s never been able to see.
- Facial tics

Shannon, 10
I feel like Brain Balance has the ability to really hone in on the deeper issues of the child and correct the imbalance, rather than just put a band-aid or a brace or whatever you want to call it one making it more doable. I see so many amazing things that come with Brain Balance.
- Dyslexia
- visual processing

Shawn, 12
I could tell that Brain Balance really helped. Everything about it was just so helpful and stimulating, and it increased his mental capacity.

Shayla, 12
Shayla was making big strides in her studies, in the way she was as a person and the things that she could handle. Shayla became much happier, much more delightful to be with, and just easier.
- Hypersensitivity
- Behavioral issues

Sofia, 7
Brain Balance is not something you go into half-heartedly. You are either committed or you are not. For those parents that commit to it, they see results. They see tremendous results, just tremendous.
- Autism
- hyperactivity

Sofia, 15
Anybody and everybody who wants to listen, I’m going to tell you about Brain Balance, because it works. It works.
- sensory integration disorder

Stephen, 6
After seeing children with ADHD struggle in the classroom setting and then watching my son transform, I would love to see every child with this diagnosis have access to this program. Any parent who wants to treat the cause owes this opportunity to their child and family. It is amazing to see how this program has made such a difference in our family.

Steven, 6
I highly recommend it. If you have doubts, go and at least have them tested. Like I said before, the fact that we were able to catch this at such an early age, when he was 4 and 5, 4 years old, saved him.

Tanner, 6
We actually have a social life now. All of the sensory and processing issues have worked themselves out. He enjoys camping. He likes to get out and ride his bike and be part of the family. We play games and he’s not afraid to touch the ground or get dirty.
- Sensory Processing Disorder

Tate, 6
Our approach to him, when he had difficulties with something, I think has changed. For us, it’s only been positive. I don’t think we could say negative things.

Tom, 7
What a blessing Brain Balance has been. Our son is a pleasure. We can have dinner without constant complaining. He gets ready for bed and gets up with ease. It has been life-changing for us all.
- Lack of focus
- Tantrums

Tommy, 12
Tommy doesn’t throw fits anymore. He just walks into school. He’s excited to be there. He’s happy. Energetic. He’s doing happily. He’s answering questions happily. His real personality has come out instead of the anxiousness.
- Anxiety
- Behavioral issues

Troy, 9
I used to have to tell Troy, “Pick your clothes up, make your bed, brush your teeth.” Do this. Do that. Today, when he gets up to go to school, the first thing he does is get dressed and make his bed. He cleans up his room and brushes his teeth. I used to have to tell Troy how to do everything. Now he’s just in rhythm and does it without even being told. The changes have been incredible.
- Dyslexia

Tucker, 10
We are not as stressed as we used to be. We have better family time. We all follow the rules that Tucker’s doing. Go through exercises with him. We all do the eating program. So personally for me, being the mom, it has been wonderful. We’ve had great results from what we can tell so far.
- Lack of focus
- Homework struggles

Ty, 8
About, I would say, eight weeks into it, I started noticing little changes. We finally made it through the first three months. We were going to our cabin in North Carolina and he started reading road signs.
- academic struggles
- Dyslexia

Zach, 14
The biggest thing I would say is I do believe it works, but you got to have patience and put the time in. It’s going to pay off, it might not be in 3 months, it may not be 6 months, but there will be change. It will be better.
- stimming
Brain Balance helps kids with many different issues.
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