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Partnerships & Special Initiatives

Brain Balance & Shelterwood Residential Treatment for Teens Provide Care to Those Struggle

shelterwood_logoShelterwood is a Christian residential treatment center located on 220 wooded acres in Independence, Missouri. For 40 years, Shelterwood has brought hope and restoration to families by helping teens overcome depression, anxiety, trauma-related disorders, tech addictions, substance abuse, and other behavioral and mental health conditions. 

Shelterwood Expands Residential Care Programming to Include Brain Balance Program

Shelterwood is the first residential treatment center to provide the Brain Balance Program® to all teens under in-patient care. “We have utilized the Brain Balance Program for years as part of our interdisciplinary team approach of providing clinical and professional care to struggling teens,” says Jim Marvine, Shelterwood CEO. “The differences we’ve seen in the teens who have participated in this program have been amazing. The first people to notice a positive change are our teachers, which reinforces a Brain Balance tenet: ‘a connected brain is a teachable brain.”

Brain Balance and Cambridge Brain Sciences Collaboration

Cambridge+Brain+SciencesCambridge Brain Sciences is a leader in developing engaging assessments of brain function and brain health and trusted by health and wellness providers around the world to obtain accurate, quantified, and scientifically-validated measures of cognition.

Research Shows Shows Significant Cognitive Gains in Students with Attention & Developmental Challenges After Brain Balance Program

Brain Balance, in collaboration with Cambridge Brain Sciences, recently conducted a study to examine the effect of the Brain Balance Program® on the cognitive performance of children and adolescents with developmental and attention challenge. The results showed that children who completed three months of the Brain Balance Program had significant improvements in the following areas:

    • Cognition improvement (particularly in areas of memory)
    • Reasoning improvement
    • Verbal ability improvement
    • Concentration improvement

Read more about our ongoing research partnerships and outcomes.

School Program Partnerships

Brain Balance partners with schools to offer the Brain Balance Program to cohorts or classrooms. If you are interested in having your school participate in the Brain Balance Program contact us today at 800-877-5500.

Learn more about Brain Balance today.
