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Her level of anxiety is so much better. She is not just constantly in a an anxious state so it's more calm here at home.

There are so many different reasons why we went. She has autism, and she has sensory processing disorder, and she has ADHD. If we would take her to a park or something and another kid would show up and she is out of there. She didn’t want anybody around, she didn’t want anybody touching here, nothing like that. She would take all of her toys and line them up and then if anybody was here during the day and anything was moved, even a fraction of an inch, when she came in the door she could tell. That was the end. The day was ruined. One time she had one of her stuffed animals sitting on the couch. Someone came over to the house and they picked it up so they could sit down and she went into full-blown on the floor screaming, out of control. I thought, “Okay, we have got to do something,”

At first when we went for the results of her assessment and they told us all these things. We were talking with Meagan and she started talking about the gluten-free diet. The first thing I thought of was, “Yeah, right,” She had her typical 5 item autistic diet and I thought, “There is no way. There is no way. She is not going to do this.” She is getting now to where she will say, “Maybe I shouldn’t eat that.” I think that’s a big deal.

Her level of anxiety is so much better. She is not just constantly in an anxious state so it’s more calm here at home. It’s nice to be able to do things around the house and not have to worry about if she is going to be upset about it. I would recommend Brain Balance for sure just because for me not only does it seem to have helped her really quickly, but it’s fun for her. It’s not like, “Oh, I have to go to Brian Balance today.” It’s like, “Oh, it’s a Brain Balance day!”

Brain Balance students progress an average of 2.6 levels in 3 months for sensory motor exercises. On average, customers surveyed rated their satisfaction at 8.5 on a 10 point scale.
