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Hayden was diagnosed with autism.

We took him to speech therapy, occupational therapy, a neurologist, an audiologist, behavioral psychiatrists, a chiropractor, and developmental teachers. His teacher told us we should talk to his pediatrician about medication. I told my husband, “We are not doing medication. I’m not going to just put a Band-Aid on this.” We had been talking to people who were connected to Brain Balance and I said, “We have to go there. At least to get the assessment.”

Knowing that Brain Balance is holistic and was actually going to fix the problem, we were all for it. We had the assessment done including auditory processing, fine motor, perception time, and spatial awareness. Being a part of Brain Balance, we felt like we were part of a family. They were so supportive. For once, I felt like I was around people who understood my child and weren’t going to judge him based on his weaknesses. They knew there was something going on in his brain and body. They knew the behavioral issues and helped us work through them. I noticed that his fine motor skills were improving. His vocabulary exploded. His auditory processing went from that of a 4-year-old to an 11-year-old. All of a sudden he had the desire to hug us and snuggle. Brain Balance can do so much more than any single therapy. Brain Balance gives you hope that symptoms are going to be relieved by a natural, holistic approach.

Everything is covered under one umbrella when we go to Brain Balance. You’re changing things from the bottom up instead of trying to work just on their symptoms. By starting there, your child makes changes that are lasting and continue to grow.

Brain Balance students progress an average of 2.6 levels in 3 months for sensory motor exercises. On average, customers surveyed rated their satisfaction at 8.5 on a 10 point scale.
