Homework used to be a screaming match for three to four hours, and now it's compliance.
From kindergarten through second grade she had issues with memorization. She couldn’t remember her alphabet. She couldn’t remember addition facts. Spelling tests, she had trouble spelling. We had testing done at the end of second grade. They determined that she had a long list of disorders or learning disabilities including Auditory Processing Disorder.
Brain Balance came up and I went to the center and met with Sylvia and Marcy and then my husband and I decided that it was intense enough for Kinsey, and we felt that if we saw results at the end, then the money had been worth it.
After doing Brain Balance she stood up in front of 150 people and read a prayer out loud on a microphone. Her fourth-grade teacher did comment that that is not the same child. Homework used to be a screaming match for three to four hours, and now it’s compliance. I would say that it a life-changing experience and that our family now has peace with Kinsey’s learning disorders and disabilities, and it’s not such a battle anymore.